Saturday, July 30, 2016

Probably the Last Post for July

Wow, where did the time go.  July is almost over and I still look around and wonder why I'm not getting more done.  Of course if I go through my posts it will show that I am making progress on things but sometimes it just doesn't seem like it.

So I am using my broken sewing machine as an excuse not to work on quilting stuff.  We all know that is ridiculous because I do my applique by hand so what is stopping me doing that?  I don't know.  I am downloading the patterns but that is about as far as I get.  Perhaps it is because I am more into my cross stitch phase right now.  OMG!  You should see some of the patterns that I got for cross stitch!  But that will be future posts.  :)

Ok, where was I.  Oh yes.  I am hoping that by posting about NOT posting, it will plant the idea in my head that I need to get back to some quilting and stop using the sewing machine as an excuse to not work on quilting.  So hopefully you be seeing some applique blocks in the near future.

Oh the cross stitch front, I have started working on the cross stitch kit that Noah, my student helper, gave me for my birthday.  Here is my progress picture of it.

I am pleased with the progress on it but don't like the floss that came with the kit.  Some of the strands break off much faster than when I use my own floss.  But I will get through it and it will look fine.

Since I'm yawning at the computer, I had better get to bed.  Hopefully next week I'll have some new pictures of projects to show you (I bought some new supplies for a new project  this weekend).  In the meantime have some cute pictures to look at.  There is enough negativity in the world so let's concentrate on good things and not bad.  :)

This first picture is two of my new "adult coloring books".  That is to help me keep my sanity in between other craft projects.

This picture is of Indy (Independence) Bromeland.  My nephews new puppy (2 years old) that they rescued from a kill shelter after their dog had passed away.

And this picture is included just because it is just cute and I can relate to wrinkles.  LOL.

Have a great evening/day everybody and stay positive!


Kat Scribner said...

Bonni, just curious, did you mark the grid on your cross stitch fabric (with what?) or did it come like that?

Bonni said...

Hi Kat:

I marked it with my blue water soluble (Mark B Gone) quilting pen that I get at Walmart. It just washes out. All I have to do is get it wet and bye bye marking lines. Sometimes I have to do it twice but not normally. It depends on how heavy of the water I use (I.e., just spritzing it with water from my spray bottle or running it under the faucet). I use plain water first to get the lines gone and then use soap and water to wash my finished piece to get the grime from hands off etc. Then block it to get ready for framing or whatever.

Spring is almost here ...

   And it is time to change up what is on my wall.  Obviously I put up Butterfly Trellis.  It just speaks to me of Spring which is officiall...