Monday, August 1, 2016

What? Another post? Already?

Hi everybody.  Yes you read that right.  I have something else to post about.  First of all, welcome to August.  Soon summer will be over with and the students go back/come back to school.  So that means I have to get my act together craftwise because I have a t-shirt quilt and two t-shirt wall hangings to get done by November.  Which means I had better save up to get the sewing machine fixed or a new one.  The incentive isn't there right now, or at least I'm not feeling it right now, so I had to kick myself in my butt to do SOMETHING.

So here is what I did.  It's not much but it IS something.  I dug into my scrap fusible Heat n Bond box.  Yes I have a box.  See?

I also keep the scissors which are "safe" to use with paper in it.  It helps hold the paper down so it doesn't fly all around if it gets hit by air from the fan or a/c.

So I found that I am TWO (2) blocks behind on my Adinkra BOMs so I pulled out two scrap pieces that worked, made my templates, and copies it onto the Heant n Bond.

It's hard to see in the picture but the one on the right has pencil drawings from a previous block which I didn't need after all so this time I traced in ink.

I haven't found the right fabric to fuse it to yet but it is a start.

So much of a start that I even think I am working on qualifying to be called this again.

Kat?  Did you get my message about the blue markings on cross stitch fabric?  If not here it is.  I used my blue water soluble marking pens that I use in quilting.  I either spritz the fabric when I'm done, and sometimes have to do it twice, or I will run it under the faucet.  I do this BEFORE I wash my fabric with soap.  I don't want it to set in the fabric.  After it totally dries and I don't see any more blue lines, (never had to wet it more than twice) I gently wash and block the piece.

I hope everybody has a good day/night and enjoy what is left of your summer.

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