Friday, December 30, 2016

December 30, 2016 - Storm at Sea

The new project for 2017 is Storm at Sea.  You can google it to see all the possibilities but today I managed to get my fabric for it.  I think on New Years Day I will start to cut out some of the pieces and see how it goes.

My fabric came from Hobby Lobby.  It is the only place in town that I can get fabric at, other than Walmart, but this is nice fabric.  It passed my feel and see through tests.  In other words, it feels good already and should feel better after it is washed and I can't see my hands through it when held up to the light.  The employee who was cutting it out, was nice enough to write down the numbers I would need to show them if I needed to order more although she did say that they usually carry it.

The background is a cross between a white on white and a cream on cream.  I like the pattern on the dark blue and the light blue  has similar to a mottled light blue.  The yellow will be at the center and is mottled too.  The yellow makes me smile which means I might have to go back and get more ven though I don't normally like yellows.

Did I mention that I also managed to finish my Noel redwork?  That's another finish, or close enough to call it a finish, for 2016.

Another thing that I can't remember if I mentioned was the little clips that I got.  I used them on the t-shirt when sewing the rows together and can't figure out how come I didn't try them earlier!  I am falling in love with them.

Another pattern that I am in the middle of is the cross patterns for 2017 from one of my Facebook groups.  There are 3 patterns available that Marsha Willetts Clark.  I am actually doing a variation on pattern 2 and 3.

I had done some HSTs but couldn't decide on what color I wanted for the background material.  So I switched to pattern 3 which was basic.  Instead of doing solid colors to form the cross and a separate color for the background, I am going to use my HST to make the cross.  There is a total of six squares going down for the long edge of the cross.  I see that I have the left corner HST positioned wrong since it is not forming a flying geese type unit.  With all the darker colors on the outside, I can use the white with gold that I used for the major portion of the HST as the background.

That's about it for this trip.  Time to get something to eat and drink and then back to stitching something.

I hope everybody is having a great day!

Wednesday, December 28, 2016

December 28, 2016 - Closing down 2016

We're getting close to the end of 2016 and I can't say that I'm sorry to say good bye to it.  I always like the end of the year because it means I can start a new year and planning on how to get more organized.  I had some finishes in 2016 which is always good to say but now that I only have a couple of days to finish projects.  What shall I finish?

One of the projects that I hope to finish is the t-shirt quilt so I can get it mailed off in early January.

Another project will be to get started on a new project for 2017.  It will be like a small BOM that I am doing with a friend.  8" finished squares.  It is a pattern that I found for the GO!  Not sure that I will use the GO! for all of it since I don't have all of the dies but it is simple enough to fill in by hand with what I don't have.

Remember the Santa wall hanging that I said Janine gave me for Christmas?  Here is a picture of it.

What kind of weather do you have in your neck of the woods?  Here is what it says for DeKalb.  Can you believe it?  It's almost 2017 and we are still doing ok.  Of course traditionally we won't get hit with bad weather until the night before I have to return to work or the day of.

I hope everybody has a great day.  It's time for me to get working on some things.


Monday, December 26, 2016

Merry Christmas and afterwards

Merry Christmas (even if a little late) everybody!

It has been a good Christmas.  I exchanged presents with my friend Janine while she was here and she gave me a wall hanging which has a Santa with the moon in the background.  She said it reminded her of me.  She doesn't quilt but she does know I like that type of thing.  I'll take a picture of it in a day or two.  She also gave me a small dream catcher.    I gave her my NOEL Cross Stitch in a frame.  It's about time that she has something cross stitched from me.  Of course while she was here she spotted fabric that she would like to be made into something for her.  I rolled my eyes but didn't admit that I had bought that fabric with her in mind.  She also wanted me to do a wall hanging for her niece out of soccer t-shirts.  We argued a bit but finally settled on a layout.

Then I noticed that we have 4 blocks that were cut out but weren't soccer.  They were running.t-shirts so I put them together to quickly make something she could have now.  It's only 4 blocks but at least it is still her t-shirts.

Janine will be seeing her niece in early January so she said if I could get the other wall hanging done before that she could take it with her.  We'll see.

That means my storm at sea will be delayed a bit.  I am planning on it.  Today I cut up my pattern that I had colored in.  They are all taped into my book now so I know how many "units" I will have to make.  I still need to get the fabric but at least I feel it is a little more organized.  I also labeled and sorted out my new templates for it.

I hope everybody had a great holiday.

Saturday, December 24, 2016

Merry Christmas....Eve

Merry Christmas to my friends who are far enough away to celebrate it now.  :)   I have company until Monday or Tuesday so this will have to be quick.

I hope everybody is having a safe holiday and enjoying it no matter what you end up doing.

I received a gingerbread man from my sister in law.  I haven't had one of her loaves since Mom first moved into the nursing home.

I thought you might like to see him BEFORE he loses his head which will probably be tomorrow morning for breakfast.  LOL.

Two times a day Janine and I are going to McDonald's (yes they are open 24/7 even on Christmas Day) so she can use their WiFi to do computer stuff on her iPAD.  I don't have WiFi at home (since it is only me).  It gives us something to get out for but tomorrow we are going to be cooking also so that will be fun.  Tonight she made her

She made it with 2 pounds of ground venison and 1 pound of lean ground beef.  Of course you can use any ground meat.  Janine can't process pork products or a lot of different ones so she brought what she could handle.  I now have some of them in my freezer.  :)

Tomorrow will be Turkey and dressing, coconut cream pie, Cranberry sauce, and green bean casserole.  Not sure if I will have time to make bread or bake some cookies.  We will exchange presents tonight and I will give her the NOEL that I cross stitched.  She has plenty of my quilty things but nothing cross stitched.

Everybody have a great holiday and I"ll talk to you later.


Sunday, December 18, 2016

Winter is here!

I was going to post up a lot of pictures for you today of everything that I had accomplished.   Hmmm.  There is a problem with that.  I haven't gotten a lot done lately because it is so cold and my car isn't starting.  Excuses Bonni.  That is what it is.  :)   The other reason why you won't get a lot of pictures this time is because my monitor on my desktop computer went out.  Everything was on that hard drive but without the monitor I can't see it or figure out where it is.  LOL.  So I'm on my laptop which doesn't have everything recent.  I will post more tomorrow because I think I have some of the pictures on Facebook and the work computer.  In the meantime.....

This is how far I've gotten on my NOEL redwork.  It's getting down to the last scroll work.

Since it is Christmas soon let me just finish this post with some of my favorite winter pictures.

Niters everybody!

All caught up!

    Not much to report this time around but I did want to post an update on the Blackwork.  This is the 2024 Peppermint Purple Stitch a Long...