Friday, December 30, 2016

December 30, 2016 - Storm at Sea

The new project for 2017 is Storm at Sea.  You can google it to see all the possibilities but today I managed to get my fabric for it.  I think on New Years Day I will start to cut out some of the pieces and see how it goes.

My fabric came from Hobby Lobby.  It is the only place in town that I can get fabric at, other than Walmart, but this is nice fabric.  It passed my feel and see through tests.  In other words, it feels good already and should feel better after it is washed and I can't see my hands through it when held up to the light.  The employee who was cutting it out, was nice enough to write down the numbers I would need to show them if I needed to order more although she did say that they usually carry it.

The background is a cross between a white on white and a cream on cream.  I like the pattern on the dark blue and the light blue  has similar to a mottled light blue.  The yellow will be at the center and is mottled too.  The yellow makes me smile which means I might have to go back and get more ven though I don't normally like yellows.

Did I mention that I also managed to finish my Noel redwork?  That's another finish, or close enough to call it a finish, for 2016.

Another thing that I can't remember if I mentioned was the little clips that I got.  I used them on the t-shirt when sewing the rows together and can't figure out how come I didn't try them earlier!  I am falling in love with them.

Another pattern that I am in the middle of is the cross patterns for 2017 from one of my Facebook groups.  There are 3 patterns available that Marsha Willetts Clark.  I am actually doing a variation on pattern 2 and 3.

I had done some HSTs but couldn't decide on what color I wanted for the background material.  So I switched to pattern 3 which was basic.  Instead of doing solid colors to form the cross and a separate color for the background, I am going to use my HST to make the cross.  There is a total of six squares going down for the long edge of the cross.  I see that I have the left corner HST positioned wrong since it is not forming a flying geese type unit.  With all the darker colors on the outside, I can use the white with gold that I used for the major portion of the HST as the background.

That's about it for this trip.  Time to get something to eat and drink and then back to stitching something.

I hope everybody is having a great day!

1 comment:

Sue Cottle said...

Noel is definitely a 2016 win - and you've still got a couple of days left to finish anything off.
Wow - Storm at Sea has so many possibilities - how are you going to decide which one to do. Love the dark blue with the flowers.
Lol - don't you just need to turn those last two squares around so they fly?

Oh, and I've got about 1/3 of a vase, and 1 hydrangea leaf done already!

Have a great New Year!

All caught up!

    Not much to report this time around but I did want to post an update on the Blackwork.  This is the 2024 Peppermint Purple Stitch a Long...