Tuesday, January 31, 2017

Feeling better

I am doing better each day which is a good thing but this cold has put me behind even more so than normal.  LOL.

I did finish today one of my Splendid Sampler blocks.  It wasn't much but at least it was forward progress.

I have one more block to do from one of my "UFO blocks" and then I can do a current one again.  I'm thinking that I might work on one of the butterfly blocks for my UFO blocks.  They are pretty easy to do and I know where those blocks are.

I need to sign off now.  It's still chilly at the computer so I'm going to look up the butterfly block and snuggle under something while I stitch it.


I hope everybody had a great day.

Friday, January 27, 2017

Ugh - Part 2

It has been barely a week since I came down with the cold/flu but it seems like 4 weeks!  It is breaking up so I'm feeling a little better but still don't have a lot of energy.

I did manage to spend my income tax anticipation refund loan and got a new monitor for my desktop. and then got a new laptop since my old one is freaking out too much.  I'll take it in to work and let IT look it over and see if it is worth saving.  They do that for free for NIU employees and students.  THEN I realized that I was far behind on printing out things since I had been without a printer for about 2 years.  So while I was waiting for Office Max/Depot to print out some things I looked at their printers.

The funny, to me, thing about printers is that one can find some cheap printers ($40).  I saw around 3 in that price range but from past experience I knew to look at the prices for the ink.  It took two cartridges and the total of those two cartridges came to $60+.  Ummm.  No.  So while I was in
Walmart, I decided to check out their printers.  I found one for $40 and the ink for their two cartridges would come to $30.  So I bought the HP DeskJet 2132.  After taking over an hour to figure out how to operate it, I'm back printing up my patterns for my BOMs.  That caused me to be able to start Pat Sloan's Solstice challenge.

I have two (out of the current 6) blocks done.  It's a small start but it's a start.  I think I'm going to try to have my colors be in blues and whites.  I will have a third color sometime but I'm not sure yet.  Automatically I think red or yellow but I will have to see what the blocks look like and then figure it out from there.  This first picture shows the shade of blue a bit better than the second one.

This second picture shows both the first and second block.  The darker blue in the second block has fish in it.  These came from material that I had left over from a tote bag class that I took last year.

That's all my energy allowed me to do.  It's a start though.

I hope everybody has a great day.

Thursday, January 19, 2017


That about explains it all.  It is my turn to catch the cold/crud that seems to be going around.  I stayed home today from work and I will stay home tomorrow also.

It's been a day taking meds and getting up for 5 minutes at a time and then go back to bed.  Tonight is the breaking out in a sweat and then get chilled combo.  Of course this is all in between sneezing.  Thank goodness I laid in some supplies just the other day.  I might have to go out again one day over the weekend to get more kleenex, etc.  I have sprayed Lysol around also so that should hopefully help a bit.

My five minutes are up now so I am headed back to bed.

I will work on something to share in my mind and sometime it will make it to the blog.  LOL.

I hope everybody has a great day and stays healthy.

Monday, January 9, 2017

Finished Project and On to the Next

I finally got the binding on the cross wall hanging and it is in the mail.  This is going to my friend Janine (maiden name Cross) who used to collect crosses since it was her maiden name.  It is part of the pay it forward that I did in 2016.  Yes, I know, it is now 2017 but better late than never, right?
I have 4 more pay it forwards to do but one of them is 90% done so that is good.  I still am not sure what I will do for the last three.  I am sure it will come to me...eventually.


I made the Half Square Triangles using Rhonda Woodsmall's method.  Basically you sew two strips together and then take your template and cut what size you need.  It works great for scraps and very versatile.  She has a lot of different "cut down" methods to use with various blocks.


Sorry for using the links vs putting up the actual pictures.  I am having computer problems today so this is the only way for me to do it.

Now that I have the cross wall hanging done, I will be working on a UFO from the past.  This is from the hexie BOM back in 2011 (?) and is the February one.


I have also decided to clean up following a simple method.  I will pick one thing each night and decide if it is going to be thrown out, kept, or donated (or given to somebody else).  I know it doesn't sound like much but if I can do it each day then that is 365 items that have been cleared or gone through which is a lot more than I did in 2016.  I have 9 things for the trash so far.  It doesn't sound like much but it will add up over time.

Another decision I've made is to limit my BOMs this year.  Blocks of Month are so much fun to collect but to get time to do them.  My other New Years Resolution is before I can work on a current project or BOM, I have to do at least one block from a past one.  My goal is to get at least one if not two blocks done each week.  It will be hard but even if I don't get two blocks done it will be nagging me to finish up one and that means more projects will get finished.

Time for me to get back to work so I must end the post here.  I hope everybody has a great day.

Spring is almost here ...

   And it is time to change up what is on my wall.  Obviously I put up Butterfly Trellis.  It just speaks to me of Spring which is officiall...