Saturday, June 8, 2019

Short Update

I will apologize for the shortness of this post right up front.  I had planned on doing a longer post with pretty pictures and much contemplation but then life kicked me in the you know what.  Actually that is almost literal.  For the past week I have been dealing with acute sciatic nerve inflammation.  I have missed some days of work, missed proctoring exams this weekend, and some other days only worked half days.

Not sure how I did it but I think the doctor put down "acute" just to make me feel better.  That was how I spent last Saturday.  All morning at Urgent Care and then off to Walmart with 4 prescriptions.  Yesterday was my first day with only having Ibuprofen for pain and I was doing ok until around 3 a.m.  Then I woke up from the pain.  Of course at 3 a.m. you argue with yourself about why you are awake and try to convince yourself you should ignore it and just go back to sleep.  At 4 a.m. I took more Ibuprofen and put BenGay on my knee.  I finally fell asleep around 5.

Today is a little better but not much.  I'm up to eat lunch, take more Ibuprofen and put on more Ben Gay.  I stitched about 10 stitches and then said, nope...not happening today.  Still, that's 10 stitches more than I did all last week!

That's about it.  Time for me to get back to bed.  While there I will contemplate how I am going to organize my calendars for July 2019 - June 2020 (or December 2020).  I have my journals/calendars which I am trying to cut back on how many I use.  Anybody have any suggestions?

These are the main ones that I use journals for:


I can combine bills and personnel.  Might be able to put work in that also.  Not sure yet.  I have different sizes of "My Happy Planner" large and one small.  Not sure which will be which.

Talk to you all later.  Have a wonderful weekend.

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