Sunday, August 4, 2019

Where does the time go?

I swear that I went to be after my last post and then woke up today and my weekend is almost over with.  What's up with that?  It turns out lots of things.

Some of you might know that I was starting to reorganize my apartment (upstairs large efficiency in an old house) .  That is always a very messy thing to do.  In the middle of that, with the apartment a mess, I found out that I am the only tenant now AND that the landlords are planning on selling the house.  They have owned it for only a year.  Actually less because I think one of the realtors said August 10 or so would have been one year. 

So now I have to clean up the place, in my mind,  even though my landlord said it wasn't necessary.  Ummm.  Yes it is.  One of these people who are walking through this place might be my new landlord.  One of these people might decide that they don't want renters and I will have to move out.  I want it to look lived in but manageable.  So I took a couple of days off and cleaned up.  My body hasn't been that sore in ages.  It was a good thing that I had a massage scheduled in that time.  My person, Lane, said it looked almost like I was in worse shape than the three before.  I then told her what I had been doing.  The good news is that I got the apartment where *I* thought it could be shown.  The bad part is that my body and crafting paid for it.

I am NOT a neat crafter.  The only way I seem to be able to craft is by laying everything out on the floor and tables and THEN make progress.  That is NOT good when you have to show the apartment at last minute times.  I don't technically have to be there but I do NOT like people seeing my house when I'm not in it.  It's not too bad.  They usually only take about 5 - 10 minutes but it's the waiting for them to show up, look at the other two apartments first, and then come up to see me.  I also get dirty looks from the realtors when they see I'm home.  (grins).

This week I will be taking off work Monday afternoon and Wednesday afternoon.  Hopefully I can do some little pick me ups before people come in and then perhaps get some stitching done or get back on my cooking on Sunday for the whole week.

Now that I've complained, my next post will have pictures of what the room looks like when I'm "trying" to be good and keep it cleaner.  I just don't have the room to put everything away.  I still go and buy stuff when it is on sale to have on hand for when I do retire and on a more limited budget.  THEN, later in the week I will post a picture of quilt/wall hanging that I helped make a block for.  Remember me talking about my house block that I did for an exchange?  Little did I know that I was doing it FOR ME!  Yes, that is right.  They told me, in our weekly Live Chat on YouTube!  I was floored.  Of course I will take pictures and tell you all about it in more detail when I get it.  I might get it by Wednesday.

So now let me sign off with that teaser and try to get something stitched.

Updates in the week.  Have a great night.

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Last Finish for February 2025

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