Sunday, June 14, 2020

Move completed but not settled

I did it!  I retired, hopefully with all the paperwork correct, and moved to Arkansas.  

The scenery on the way down and also on subsequent outings has been wonderful.  I'm enjoying it now before it gets to be hotter.  :)

Taken at a rest stop on the way down.

                        This and the next 3 pictures were taken on a Sunday outing with Dan.

The house I moved into was not what I expected.  I would have considered it more of a fixer upper but that's ok.  I'm working with the landlord (I'm renting it) to get it fixed up.  It's coming along and gives me something to do.  It just drains my energy a lot especially since I am still unpacking.

It was such a nice drive down.  I'm still digging out everything.  It is slow because HE has to work and I'm not.  Hehehehe.  Well that's not quite true.  I am's a lot of work to unpack and sort at the same time.

Here are some in progress pictures of the place.

This is part of the sewing room - the Color Street portion

Part of the sewing area.  Eventually I want book cases all along that wall.

Part of the kitchen

Part of the pantry.  The pantry is in an L shape.  This little section is the bottom of the L.

The living room

The last picture for this post - Triple Berry Bread.  The first bake in the house.  :)

I hoped you liked the pictures and I'll keep you updated on how the settling in is going on.  I should be getting a different refrigerator and a different washing machine so that will be exciting.

Have a great day/night.


esther said...

Congratulations on your retirement . Enjoy Life. It has a way of getting away from us. Triple berry bread sounds yummy.

Marsha Clark said...

Congrats ! Looks like a nice place to live. Enjoy !
That bread is making me hungry..........

Unknown said...

Hey, you made it!
Looks like you are settling in well. Miss you already, but it sounds like you are keeping busy.Going to watch you video next.

Keep healthy and happy.


Bonni said...

Thanks everybody. Miss you guys too Michael. I'll keep everybody updated.

Spring is almost here ...

   And it is time to change up what is on my wall.  Obviously I put up Butterfly Trellis.  It just speaks to me of Spring which is officiall...