Thursday, November 5, 2020

I'm making progress....

 It's nice to be able to report that I'm making progress on another UFO.  This one is a Christmas Rail Fence pattern from Jordan Fabrics.  The pattern didn't call for a border but I put one on anyway  I'm liking it a lot better with the border.  

In between working on the UFO, I also finished crocheting the pot holders for a birthday present  for Dan later this month.  I have four of them that I'll be giving him.  

I haven't stopped there.  I also am on schedule to finish up the 3rd (of 4) tulip block for Simple Yet Block this week.  I only have 6 more leaves to stitch and I'm pacing myself to do 2 every day.  That way I can pace myself and not get tired of working on it.  

With the colder weather, I also have picked up on cooking a bit more.  I got three Diabetic Living cookbooks and they look like they have some nice recipes in it.  I'm not diabetic but that doesn't mean I wouldn't benefit from eating a bit healthier.

I am almost done eating my savory onion bread.  It is great toasted!  I'm not sure what bread I'll make next.  A cinnamon bread might be next or just another white loaf.  It is so hard to decide.

With the cooler weather settling in, I also want stews and soups.  This one is a lentil stew and I served it over a garlic and pepper rice.

It was nice to have waiting for me after I raked the leaves.

It's time to get back to my stitching.  I have two blocks fused for LeFleur and need to start on them.

I hope you have a wonderful day and I'll post again in a couple of days.


A Walk With Susan said...

Le Fleur is coming along nicely. I think I will start mine in January, unless I decide to do more test quilts. LOL

Bonni said...

I can't wait to see what your LeFleur will look like. Keep up your great work.

Spring is almost here ...

   And it is time to change up what is on my wall.  Obviously I put up Butterfly Trellis.  It just speaks to me of Spring which is officiall...