Monday, May 31, 2021

Memorial Day 2021

 There are so many things that I want to remember and acknowledge but my fingers and brain get al tied up and nothing sounds right.

Today is Memorial Day.  When I Googled Memorial Day, it came u with 

"Memorial Day is an American holiday, observed on the last Monday of May, honoring the men and women who died while serving in the U.S. military. ... Originally known as Decoration Day, it originated in the years following the Civil War and became an official federal holiday in 1971."

That might be the technical definition or explanation but I grew up with a more extended version.  When I was growing up things like parades were still possible and looked forward to.  Memorial Day and Veteran's Day were two of the biggest parade days.  The local organizations would put on a parade complete with marching bands, marching Vets in their uniforms and people standing on the sidewalks screaming their thanks and applauding.  The Vets and band would lead us to the local cemetery where a service would be held and then it was time to mingle at the local park and listen to the stories.  It was both a good time as well as a sad time.  Still it was good that the soldiers were not forgotten.

In today's society, it is easy sometimes to forget that.  To forget the simple things  like saying thank you.  It is a small thing but means so much to most everybody.  So, let me say Thank You to all who served whether it was in a combat situation or just a desk clerk.  Thank you also to the families that stayed at home and help support our soldiers.  It wasn't easy for either group.

Picnics are aso associated with Memorial Day.  That was the theme (semi) for my Memorial Day meal.  I asked my friend Dan to come over and we sort of had an indoor picnic.  That meant sandwiches and salads.  My meal also had to be made from what I had on hand since I wouldn't be able to go to the grocery store until AFTER Memorial Day.  So my meals consisted of:

Sandwiches - Sloppy Joes and BBQ (Pork)

Dips - Garlic Ranch Dip, Salsa and Sour Cream Dip

Ritz Crackers and another type of cracker for the dips

Macaroni Salad - a new recipe (Thanks Connie).  I will use less sugar next time

Deviled Eggs

Apple Pie with Whipped Topping for dessert.

It is time for me to sign off for now.  I have a pipe that sprung a leak and my landlord is here to see where the leak is at and where we need to shut off the water at.  I can't see where it is leaking but it sounds like a mini Niagara Falls.  I'll let you know what happened in my next post.  Everybody have a great day.

Friday, May 28, 2021

Memorial Day Weekend

 Sorry for not posting earlier but life has been hectic.  I've been dealing with Social Security  Administration, trying to get things set up for Social Security when I turn 65 in July.  I wasted 10 days when the 800 number gave me wrong info.  Finally I got the number for our somewhat local branch and found out that the person I talked to had given me wrong information.  I did get some things straightened out and now am back in a holding pattern.  Sigh.  Things will evetually get straightened out.  Patience Bonni...patience.

This will be a somewhat short post.  I have lots to do to get ready for Monday's company and meal.  But I did want to share some more pictures of Hailey.  

In case you are tired of seeing her picture (gasp) I thought I'd show you some more of the cats again.  Yeah, you're probably tired of seeing them too.  hehehe

Those are pictures of Smudge (dark) and BC.  Didn't get one of Tort this time.  We had a lot of rain last night so I'm not sure if they will be out early today or not.  Hopefully they got their dinner all eaten before the rain came. 

I need to run and get some non crafting stuff done.  Everybody have a good weekend and I'll chat with you next time.

Saturday, May 8, 2021

Another Day in the Neighborhood

The rain has come on and off for the past week and it looks like the weekend won't be different.  That's ok.  It gives me time to think on projects and what I want to do  It also gives me time to put my foot through the floor and call the landlord to get it fixed.  Yep, that's right.  The other day I was walking into my sewing room and my foot went through the floor.  I'm a bit bruised and have body aches but nothing broken and nothing that Ibuprofen won't take care of.  Of course I have talked to my landlord and he will be coming over probably today.  He thinks it should be an easy fix and that he just needs time to get off work in order to take care of it or arrange for somebody else to take care of it for him.  

The week hasn't been a total loss.  I finished and hung up my Covid-ville wall hanging.

Now George, my dragon, gets to add it to the things he is protecting in that corner of the house.

I also received my new mug.  It says Egg Fever and the picture on it is the frog lady from the Mandalorian series.  It's not for everyone but I like it and it made me smile.

I did manage to figure out why, besides being lazy, I hadn't finished my Welcome Bunny sign.  It needed a border on it. I cut out a five inch border but it will get it cut down to somewhere between 4" - 4 1/2" before binding gets put on.  I like it better now.

That's about it for the news this time.  I did, however, manage to grab some more pictures off of Facebook of Haley.  Enjoy and have a great day!

Monday, May 3, 2021

Welcome to May

 If April showers bring May flowers, what does May showers bring?  That's what I have today...showers.  Actually I think we are supposed to get showers for the next three or four days.  Showers are good incentive to stay inside and work on things.  Here is a picture of my design wall and what I am working on.

The top row shows my work in progress.  The turtle I made before and I thought it needed some companions so I am working on the gecko now.  These pieces are fused down but I will probably add more and when I do my hand button hole stitching over everything, I will fill in the gaps.  Perhaps some more fabric too but we'll see.

The second row shows row 6 of the 9 patch stitch along.  It is 8 blocks wide but this one is just folded in half to take the picture.  Row 7 will be the spool block but I haven't started that yet.

The third row are my blocks for the Ladies Aid BOM.  The first two blocks are all stitched but since I bought the whole pattern as a whole, I don't have to wait for the next block.  I have block 3 all fused down but not stitched down yet.  I really like working on this BOM since the blocks are 15 inches finished and they are not "cluttered".  It's a break from some of the other stitching I'm doing. 

I ran across a picture of my layout for a cross wall hanging that I did for a friend whose last name is Cross.  I think I got it from one of the ladies from my Facebook group but can't remember.  I do know that I didn't write down directions besides noting that the squares finish at 2 1/2".  Just keep adding borders until you get the size you want.

I did find some more pictures of Haley so I'll end today with those.  :)

I love seeing pictures of my nephew interacting with his first grandchild.  :)

I hope everybody has a great day!

Spring is almost here ...

   And it is time to change up what is on my wall.  Obviously I put up Butterfly Trellis.  It just speaks to me of Spring which is officiall...