Friday, May 28, 2021

Memorial Day Weekend

 Sorry for not posting earlier but life has been hectic.  I've been dealing with Social Security  Administration, trying to get things set up for Social Security when I turn 65 in July.  I wasted 10 days when the 800 number gave me wrong info.  Finally I got the number for our somewhat local branch and found out that the person I talked to had given me wrong information.  I did get some things straightened out and now am back in a holding pattern.  Sigh.  Things will evetually get straightened out.  Patience Bonni...patience.

This will be a somewhat short post.  I have lots to do to get ready for Monday's company and meal.  But I did want to share some more pictures of Hailey.  

In case you are tired of seeing her picture (gasp) I thought I'd show you some more of the cats again.  Yeah, you're probably tired of seeing them too.  hehehe

Those are pictures of Smudge (dark) and BC.  Didn't get one of Tort this time.  We had a lot of rain last night so I'm not sure if they will be out early today or not.  Hopefully they got their dinner all eaten before the rain came. 

I need to run and get some non crafting stuff done.  Everybody have a good weekend and I'll chat with you next time.

1 comment:

Sewgranny said...

Never tire of watching babies grow and soft kitties!!!

Spring is almost here ...

   And it is time to change up what is on my wall.  Obviously I put up Butterfly Trellis.  It just speaks to me of Spring which is officiall...