Monday, May 3, 2021

Welcome to May

 If April showers bring May flowers, what does May showers bring?  That's what I have today...showers.  Actually I think we are supposed to get showers for the next three or four days.  Showers are good incentive to stay inside and work on things.  Here is a picture of my design wall and what I am working on.

The top row shows my work in progress.  The turtle I made before and I thought it needed some companions so I am working on the gecko now.  These pieces are fused down but I will probably add more and when I do my hand button hole stitching over everything, I will fill in the gaps.  Perhaps some more fabric too but we'll see.

The second row shows row 6 of the 9 patch stitch along.  It is 8 blocks wide but this one is just folded in half to take the picture.  Row 7 will be the spool block but I haven't started that yet.

The third row are my blocks for the Ladies Aid BOM.  The first two blocks are all stitched but since I bought the whole pattern as a whole, I don't have to wait for the next block.  I have block 3 all fused down but not stitched down yet.  I really like working on this BOM since the blocks are 15 inches finished and they are not "cluttered".  It's a break from some of the other stitching I'm doing. 

I ran across a picture of my layout for a cross wall hanging that I did for a friend whose last name is Cross.  I think I got it from one of the ladies from my Facebook group but can't remember.  I do know that I didn't write down directions besides noting that the squares finish at 2 1/2".  Just keep adding borders until you get the size you want.

I did find some more pictures of Haley so I'll end today with those.  :)

I love seeing pictures of my nephew interacting with his first grandchild.  :)

I hope everybody has a great day!


esther said...

Love your work. And what a cute baby.

Deb Johnson, Quiltbeeme said...

Love your Gecko! Haley is so darned cute! Great job! Hugs, Deb

Marsha Clark said...

Cool blocks Sis !
Haley is so cute !

Spring is almost here ...

   And it is time to change up what is on my wall.  Obviously I put up Butterfly Trellis.  It just speaks to me of Spring which is officiall...