Saturday, May 8, 2021

Another Day in the Neighborhood

The rain has come on and off for the past week and it looks like the weekend won't be different.  That's ok.  It gives me time to think on projects and what I want to do  It also gives me time to put my foot through the floor and call the landlord to get it fixed.  Yep, that's right.  The other day I was walking into my sewing room and my foot went through the floor.  I'm a bit bruised and have body aches but nothing broken and nothing that Ibuprofen won't take care of.  Of course I have talked to my landlord and he will be coming over probably today.  He thinks it should be an easy fix and that he just needs time to get off work in order to take care of it or arrange for somebody else to take care of it for him.  

The week hasn't been a total loss.  I finished and hung up my Covid-ville wall hanging.

Now George, my dragon, gets to add it to the things he is protecting in that corner of the house.

I also received my new mug.  It says Egg Fever and the picture on it is the frog lady from the Mandalorian series.  It's not for everyone but I like it and it made me smile.

I did manage to figure out why, besides being lazy, I hadn't finished my Welcome Bunny sign.  It needed a border on it. I cut out a five inch border but it will get it cut down to somewhere between 4" - 4 1/2" before binding gets put on.  I like it better now.

That's about it for the news this time.  I did, however, manage to grab some more pictures off of Facebook of Haley.  Enjoy and have a great day!

1 comment:

A Walk With Susan said...

I hope your aches and pains are relieved soon. Stay safe you have way too many projects you want to do to be to banged up to work on them. Love the Welcome Bunny sign with the new border added, you are right it is exactly what it needed.
Hailey is a doll baby. So cute.

Spring is almost here ...

   And it is time to change up what is on my wall.  Obviously I put up Butterfly Trellis.  It just speaks to me of Spring which is officiall...