Saturday, August 20, 2022

Adventures in Baking

 What a start to my day.  I decided to make a new cookie ( new to me anyway) and everything was going ok until....

I'm getting ahead of myself.  Let me backtrack a little bit.  I decided to make Butterscotch Cookies today.  It sounded easy and I had all of the ingredients or so I thought.  As I was going through the ingredient list:


brown sugar





baking soda


cream of tartar

Oops.  Cream of tartar?  I didn't have that so I went to good ol Google and search for substitutes.  I found that if the recipe calls for BOTH cream of tartar and baking soda, you can substitute baking powder for the cream of tartar.  For every teaspoon of cream of tartar you substitute 1.5 teaspoons of baking soda.  That was an easy substitution so I preheated my oven to 325 F and started to put everything together.

It was a standard recipe where you cream your butter and sugar and then add the vanilla and egg and cream it again then add all your dry ingredients and mix.  I was on a roll.  You roll out teaspoons of dough (like with peanut butter cookies) and then roll them in sugar and put them 2" apart and bake.  

SIGH!  I thought the mix was a little "loose" but it wasn't until I took out the first tray that I realized my mistake.  Instead of 2 1/2 cups of flour, I only put in 1 1/2 cups.  OOPS!  Those cookies will be eaten by me.  they tasted good but just wasn't holding their shape.

So now what?  That is when I realized my mistake with the flour.  I wasn't sure how much to add in for the rest of the cookies so had to play it by ear.  I didn't do too bad and the rest of the cookies kept their shape.

Lesson learned  Double check your measurements and don't keep a conversation on the phone with a friend (Josephine) while measuring.  It sort of made me remember the old scene in the original One Day at a Time where Valerie Bertinelli's character was mixing up browning while chatting on the phone and she lost count how many times she had stirred the mix.  Back then if it said to stir it 200 times, you stirred it 200 times.  LOL.

I will make the recipe again and am totally happy to munch on the misshapened cookies that had less flour in them.  Actually I kind of wish they didn't taste so good.  My waistband would appreciate it I know.  LOL.

Time to munch on some cookies while the rest of them finish cooling off and I decide how I will store them (and not inside of my stomach),

Have a great day!

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