Friday, August 19, 2022

My Day

 I decided not to do any crafting today that would stress my eyes,  If I do something every other day than that will be plenty for quite a bit.  

So instead of starting my day with thinking what to do, I started out my day with getting mugged by kittens.

There are far worse ways to start the day!  :)

After that, I came inside and decided it was finally time to refile back some of my floss.  I usually put the floss after using it in a project in a large baggie and then when I get enough of a collection I will refile it back into the storage containers until I need them again.

I'll take a picture of my floss containers after these get added back in.  :)  Of course this doesn't include the projects where I have already set aside all the floss for those projects.

I'm not sure if I showed you this or not yet so I will post it just in case.  :)  A friend of mine send me some fabric that she had dyed.  These are five inch squares which is a good size to get.

Thanks Deb!  You did a great job.  Not sure yet what I will use them for but I will definitely use them.  

That's it for this trip.  Time to get off the computer and do another load of laundry.  Sigh,  LOL.
Have a great day/wonderful evening everybody!

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