Saturday, November 25, 2023

Change of Decor

      Thanksgiving is over and now time turns to Winter and Christmas.  Thanksgiving was good.  Dan came over and took most of the leftovers home with him.  I didn't actually give him a choice, I just packed it up and gave it to him.  LOL.

     When I talked to him yesterday, he mentioned that the Butterscotch Steamer could be given to him again.  Yes, I gave him the leftovers of that also.  He used it in his coffee yesterday and I think he is hooked on it now.  Besides the 4 cups of milk, there isn't a lot of other ingredients.  Did I share that with you before?  If not here it is....


Butterscotch Steamer

4 cups milk

2 TBSP salted Butter

1/4 cup brown sugar - firmly packed

Cinnamon for garish

Heat milk in a pot over medium low heat.  Once the milk is hot, remove from heat.

Stir in butter and brown sugar until butter is milted and brown sugar dissolves.  Add to cup and sprinkle with cinnamon if desired.  Serve hot.


     It was a nice break after eating a HUGE ham steak, mashed potatoes and gravy, dressing, green beans with onions and bacon, and dinner rolls.  After serving the Steamers, I heated up the apple pie, topped it with ice cream, and put in a movie.  We watched Golda.  That was a little bit different from what I was expecting but it was good.  Not one that I would buy (I rented it from Vudu) to keep in my library, but I was happy to watch it with Dan and here his input on different actions.

     The next day, after finishing up the dishes, it was time to take down Thanksgiving decor and put up Winter/Christmas decor.   Today (Saturday, 11.25.23) I finished putting up my switch over.  It seems appropriate since it is one month until Christmas.  :)  Are you ready for pictures?  Here they are!

     I decided to add in my mittens since I couldn't find anything else I was working on that fit.  As you can see from the ironing board, the eagle and dragon were too big for that space.  I think it fits.  :)

     That's about it for this time.  All my friends that came out to hang up on the walls, as well as myself,  wish you a safe and delightful day!

PS:  I also have my little picture that Ann sent me on my desk but my desk is too crowded.  You can see the tree in the frame in a previous post.

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