Friday, December 1, 2023

Welcome to December!

 Wow, December is already here.  I've been busy with projects and will post some of them later in the month.  In the meantime, I hope everybody had a great Thanksgiving.  Are you thinking already about what to make for Christmas?  I've had a habit of giving homemade things at Christmas and that usually means quilt, cross stitch, or food related.  Do you have all your food figured out?  Food was on my mind today since it was Food Pantry day.  I was given some meat which was totally great but I was surprised at how little canned food was in the box.  One can of sliced carrots.  I know that there were a couple of other cans of things but no green beans or corn which was surprising.  Also no rice and only a small box of macaroni noodles.  Not much, right?  Still that will be put to good use.  

One of the meats that I got was a small rotisserie chicken. I took off the meat from the bones and put the carcass in a pan with some onions and celery tops (after cutting up the ribbed celery).  Some spices and before I knew it, I had some nicely flavored chicken broth.  Tomorrow I will go through the bones and separate the chicken from the bones.  

I also made some Taco Spaghetti.  I made it a little spicier than normal but some sour cream on top put it into a nice spice level.  I will put it in some freezer bags tomorrow.  It is in the fridge tonight to finish cooling off.

Speaking of cooking.  Here are some recipes and tips for you.

This was a typical cream cheese, mayo, bacon, and ranch dressing dip.

Just some recipes I found on Facebook.

It's soup season.  This sounded good.

Do you know that Flour can go bad?  Do you know how long it lasts?

This recipe had me at Peppermint and Oreo. 

But after all of that, I think we need a little something to wash it all down with.

I will be making a new recipe this weekend or next week.  It is only two ingredients and if it turns out ok, it will be part of Dan's Christmas snack box.  Can you guess the ingredients?  I will give you a hint that it is a cookie.

Anyway, that's it for this report.  Have fun!


Sewgranny said...

I love the new look of the blog! I too am working on Christmas things, I think it will be January or later before I finish the Christmas quilts I wanted to do, ahhh such is the creative life, always behind!

Bonni said...

Thank you. I like to change the background on the blog periodically. I have come to realize that what I don't finish up this year will just be given out in another year. Am I late? Possibly. I just early for another year? The recipients don't seem to mind. Good luck on your projects and I hope you have great holidays.

Spring is almost here ...

   And it is time to change up what is on my wall.  Obviously I put up Butterfly Trellis.  It just speaks to me of Spring which is officiall...