Wednesday, December 13, 2023

A finish and other things...

 Ok.  This will be a short post since it is my busy time of year.  I'm sure it is your busy time also.  I am happy to report that I have finished my 2023 Blackwork SAL!  Yes, you read that right.  I finished the stitching.  It's not put together or anything because I'm not sure if it will be a pillow or wall hanging or whatever. 

Because you are all so supportive of me, I'll even show you the back.  It's not pretty but in actuality, it is better than most I've done.  Nobody else should see it so that is fine also.  :)

Since this seems to be a picture day, let me include some more.  I have been so blessed this month by friends who have sent me goodies.  Let me share some of the pictures with you.

First up is a gift from my friend Susan.  See those two new needle minders I get to add to my collection?  I just LOVE the idea of a needle minder in the shape of embroidery floss.  She knows me so well!

Speaking of knowing me, another friend sent me a box full of goodies.  What I am showing you is not all of it!  I can't believe Ann took the time to wrap everything up.  She made one mistake though.  She didn't put a note that says do not open until Xmas so I went ahead and opened up all those small packages.

Ann drew this herself and I think she picked out the perfect frame for it.  Her artwork is improving each day.

Also in the bx was a cute sewing kit.  I really liked that it had a hard case to it so it should be good to carry around.

Isn't this a cute candle?  I just love candles and it has been a pain not to light it up yet.  I know I could but I'm trying to save it until Christmas day.

And no stocking is complete without a selection of goodies.  I might be able to resist lighting up the candle right now, but I couldn't resist eating the cookies and most of the bag of marshmallows.  LOL.

There was some fabric and other things in the box but I might share them with you another day.  Speaking of sharing, did I show you the block I sent for the December exchange?  If so, then sorry to posting it twice.  I'm sure you'll forgive me.  :)   

I thought this was a good block for December.  I have to now sign off and get back to work on the things that I still need to mail out.  I hope everybody has a great day!

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Spring is almost here ...

   And it is time to change up what is on my wall.  Obviously I put up Butterfly Trellis.  It just speaks to me of Spring which is officiall...