Wednesday, October 7, 2015

Civil War reproduction fabric quilt coming along

I'm working on some projects and feel pleased that I pulled out a UFO and am making progress on that.  First though I am proud to announce that I have two of my four heart blocks done and that is way ahead of schedule.  I just need to get all four done and mailed by the 16th.  I can breath a little easier knowing that I am half way there.

That led me to pulled out an UFO and see how much I needed to get done on it.  I pulled out the Civil War BOM blocks that I had done from Custom Quilt Kits, Inc.  The blocks are FAR from perfect and I had to quickly sew them together before I decided they should be thrown out.  Thrown out means throw them to somebody else so I don't have to look at them.  Still I kept them and quickly sewed them together.  I was afraid if I waited to do any sashing for the blocks I wouldn't EVER finish them.
I decided to keep them because it is my first pieced project and I've never done those blocks before.  It was a huge step out of my comfort zone.  Then I remembered that I also have some scallops from a Applique of the Month that might look nice.  The scallops even had been done in the same fabric as the BOM fabrics!  What do you think?  Will it look ok?  I'm thinking of just using muslin for my border and will applique the scallops to that.  My main question is should I have a narrow border to frame out the blocks first and then to the scallops or just immediately do the scallop?  Opinions are appreciated.

Perhaps I pulled out the Civil War BOM because a good friend of mine went to the Grand Gulf Historic Tour site (Mississippi) and took the most awesome pictures there.  This one is the frontal view of the USS CAIRO, a Union gunboat ironclad.  it sank in the Yazoo river by a CSA torpedo to the port bow and starboard side rudder mechanism in the Battle of Gulf Bay prior to the Siege of Vicksburg.

Can you imagine being in a battle with that?!

I also got back to my NOEL cross stitch.  It takes me forever to do cross stitch but I did make some progress.  A little each week and it will get done eventually.

It won't be long before I'm starting on the N.  I won't do my green border for the N until after the N is done.  Then it will be easier to make any adjustments.  What do you think?

Have a great day everybody.  I'm off to work.


Sue Cottle said...

Morning Bon. I like the idea of muslin - now to me, that's a very delicate fabric that tears easily, so I'm guessing we're thinking two different muslins. Yes, I think it would benefit from a border before you put the scallops on - maybe of the yellow, as that doesn't feature in any of the scallops? Or would that be too overwhelming. And of course, from this distance, the piecing looks great, lol.

USS Cairo looks like a squatting bullfrog (or maybe Aussie Cane Toad) - pretty darn cool as one of the first 'iron-clads' tho.


Bonni said...

Thanks for your opinion Sue. Hadn't thought about using a yellow for a small border to set it off. Muslin can be pretty thin but it does come in different weights. I have some muslin at home but not sure how much I have or the weight of it. There is a green in the blocks also which isn't in the scallops. It's hard to see because of the shading in the pictures.

I agree that the USS Cairo looks strange. Of course when she is in the water, you wouldn't see all that you're seeing now. It is totally cool that there is a picture of the one of the ironclads. :)

All caught up!

    Not much to report this time around but I did want to post an update on the Blackwork.  This is the 2024 Peppermint Purple Stitch a Long...