Wednesday, March 29, 2017

WOO HOO --- It Worked!

Yes it is a Woo Hoo moment for me at lunch today.  My friend Connie came over to my office and helped me hang up the two wall hangings in my office.  The picture I showed you a couple of days ago were temporary but now they are hanging up right.  See my March 27, 2017 post for the picture.

This time they are hung up by using a new method for me.  They are hanging up by using.....

Yep, that's right.  I saw this on Crafty Gemini's show one day.  Super simple.  Just take some card stock.  Cut out a square or rectangle large enough to attach your Command hook to and glue it to the back of your quilt.  I used Elmer's Washable school glue so that when I take it down I can just wash it out of the quilt, etc.

I decided not to go with the "hooks" but instead went with the velcro.  It lays flatter and I think I should be able to carefully take it down and swap out with something else.  The velcro part looks like plastic but I'm sure it probably isn't.  They "snap" together to hold.  I picked up the 3 pack (3 pairs) for under $5 and the medium weight holds up to 9 pounds.  They have others which hold heavier objects so if needed, I can get them.

Has anybody else hung up their works with these?

Tuesday, March 28, 2017

Finished stitching...

I finished the stitching on the Paint Chip challenge.  I haven't taken an updated picture of it yet but hope to get the border on tonight and marked for quilting.

That stitching finish, allowed me to try and catch up a little bit with my Solstice block.  A new one comes out tomorrow so I wanted to get last weeks block done.  I decided instead of doing a 9 patch for the center, I would use my bee fabric for the whole background and flowers for the corner petals.

I decided to use black embroidery floss on the petals.  You'll see where  I have started stitching around the upper left petal.  I think it will set off the petals nicely.  I do, however, laugh every time I look at the block.  The bees almost remind me of sheep with such large white wings on them.  This is a good time to use the material for this is all I had of it.  I had picked it up as a remnant for $!.  Wasn't sure why I picked it up but it said buy me and I was weak that day.  LOL.  I guess it knew I could use it for this block.

Time for me to get to work so I'll stop here.  I'll keep you updated.

I hope everybody has a great day and enjoy my cute picture of the day.

Monday, March 27, 2017

A finish...

I finished doing the binding on the one wall hanging.  Can't remember the name for it.  I did the big stitching for quilting.  On Wednesday, my friend Connie is going to help me try to hang up the wall hangings using Command Strip Velcro.  I read about it on Craftsy Gemini so I thought I'd try it.  In the meantime, here is what that corner of my office currently looks like.  I always change out what is hanging on the walls but currently this is it.

That's it this time for playing.  Time ti get back to work.

Have a great day everybody!

Friday, March 17, 2017

Paint Chip Challenge

This will just be a short post since I'm about ready for bed.  I finally decided on what I'll do for the Paint Chip Challenge.  I will make a mini wall hanging for my office.  My paint chips were green and purple.  I finished fusing the applique so tomorrow I can start to hand stitch it on.  Here is a picture of my paint chip colors and my vase of flowers that will be my mini wall hanging.

I think I might use the same material that I used for the vase for the back and binding.  I'll have to see.  I have time for that since it will take me a bit to hand stitch everything down.

That's my update for tonight.  I hope everybody had a great day!

Wednesday, March 15, 2017

Coming along...

I'm slowly making progress on my blocks and sections for various projects.

I did another small block for the Splendid Sampler.  I am REALLY far behind on that but will slowly catch up.  Not that I'll be making all 100 blocks but I have marked out which ones I will make so that will help guide me to getting it done.

The next one is a cupcake so that will be finished tonight or tomorrow.

Then I caught up with my Solstice Blocks.  As a reminder, here is what I had done before I got behind with two of them.

Then I managed to finish and catch up with the other blocks.  These are all shown but NOT in any order.  I have to split up the teals and reds a bit more.

I have the next two days off and today another block should be coming out for Solstice.  I hope to get that done before the weekend.  Since we have a little bit of snow, it is incentive to stay in and clean house or craft.  Yeah, like that is a hard decision to make!  :)

I haven't forgotten about the Storm At Sea blocks.  I am making progress and will work on them over the weekend.

Of course it won't get finished this weekend because there is another small wall hanging that is calling my name.  It is for the Paint Chip Challenge.  I have narrowed down which pattern I want to use to three possibles.  I'm thinking that I might just cut out  window template and lay it over the fabric to see how it will look.  Then I should be able to choose which pattern.  I *do* have, however, the fabric for it.  These fabrics just made me smile.

My paint chips were green and purple.  I didn't have a choice (thus the challenge) of what was drawn and in a way I'm glad.  This will get me out of my comfort zone a bit and that is how we grow as crafters.

I hope everybody has a great day!

Wednesday, March 1, 2017

3 rows done...almost

I'm making progress on a lot of things.  I finished my test pattern before the deadline (pictures only after it is published), I finished a perpetual calendar from The Quilt Pattern Magazine bonus pattern a number of years ago, and I am working on my SAS,

So here is my calendar which will be in put in my office on Friday.  It doesn't have dates or anything but I know which month is which.  :)

I hand appliqued it and used buttons on a couple of blocks (May and June).  May made it hard to quilt because of the large button in the middle.

I am quite proud that I'm still plugging away at my SAS.  I would say I'm 1/3 of the way done on the unit rows but I mis sewed one of the units and will need to redo it.  :)

It is time for me to stop for the night.  It's been nice to get some things done.  I have taken a couple of days off work (even if I did have to go back in each day for a little bit) and it's been nice just relaxing.

I will leave you now but how about a cute picture before I go?

Until next time, have a great day/night.

Spring is almost here ...

   And it is time to change up what is on my wall.  Obviously I put up Butterfly Trellis.  It just speaks to me of Spring which is officiall...