Wednesday, March 15, 2017

Coming along...

I'm slowly making progress on my blocks and sections for various projects.

I did another small block for the Splendid Sampler.  I am REALLY far behind on that but will slowly catch up.  Not that I'll be making all 100 blocks but I have marked out which ones I will make so that will help guide me to getting it done.

The next one is a cupcake so that will be finished tonight or tomorrow.

Then I caught up with my Solstice Blocks.  As a reminder, here is what I had done before I got behind with two of them.

Then I managed to finish and catch up with the other blocks.  These are all shown but NOT in any order.  I have to split up the teals and reds a bit more.

I have the next two days off and today another block should be coming out for Solstice.  I hope to get that done before the weekend.  Since we have a little bit of snow, it is incentive to stay in and clean house or craft.  Yeah, like that is a hard decision to make!  :)

I haven't forgotten about the Storm At Sea blocks.  I am making progress and will work on them over the weekend.

Of course it won't get finished this weekend because there is another small wall hanging that is calling my name.  It is for the Paint Chip Challenge.  I have narrowed down which pattern I want to use to three possibles.  I'm thinking that I might just cut out  window template and lay it over the fabric to see how it will look.  Then I should be able to choose which pattern.  I *do* have, however, the fabric for it.  These fabrics just made me smile.

My paint chips were green and purple.  I didn't have a choice (thus the challenge) of what was drawn and in a way I'm glad.  This will get me out of my comfort zone a bit and that is how we grow as crafters.

I hope everybody has a great day!

1 comment:

All caught up!

    Not much to report this time around but I did want to post an update on the Blackwork.  This is the 2024 Peppermint Purple Stitch a Long...