Saturday, January 13, 2018

The Start of a 3 day weekend

This will be a lovely weekend.  It is cold (boo), my car isn't fixed yet (no money for new battery), BUT it is already productive.  I have finished TWO, yes you read that right--TWO blocks for my block of the month stitching.  One is redwork and the other was the Cake one.  Here they are.

Now I need to figure out what to work on next.  I am thinking that I might work on the Apple Blossom Quilt from Connie Sue's Sketchbook.  I believe there are 100 blocks in that but I doubt I will do them all.  There is a butterfly one out and Christmas bells.  The blocks are 6 inches.

Of course I could also start on the bug one from Angie's Bits n Pieces.

Then there is The Quilt Pattern Magazine one.  The tulip block is the first one and I need to make 4 of them.  

After I work on things I'll post pictures.  Speaking of pictures, my friend Sue sent me a 2018 Calendar AND a quilt pattern.  Aren't they great?  That makes two 2018 calendars that I received this year from friends.  Sue's and my cousin in Alaska had also sent me one.  I love calendar's.  This means I can put the calendars at home (I already have my work calendars) and perhaps use them for crafting!  

Yes I could start looking for fabric for that quilt pattern.

I could also start to look for fabric for the Queens Garden center block.

So many possibilities and so little time!  I guess I had better stop typing and get started on going through all my fabric.  That will be fun...until I have to put it all back.  LOL. 

Have a great and safe weekend everybody!

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