Sunday, January 21, 2018

Which material combo to use...

 How are you doing?  I've been working on some things but haven't finished anything new to show you yet.  I find myself in a quandry.  I'm not sure what fabric I want to use for the Queen's Garden Center Block.  It should finish at 16 x 16 and I am going to make the center block into a small wall hanging by itself. 

Perhaps you will help me?  Let me know what you think.  Tell me if you like any of the color combinations for the flower.  There are four flowers and they will be alike.  I tried to give you an idea of what it will look like. 

Picture A - Total different color than I anticipated.  I was going to go with the reds (see picture D).

Picture B - Don't like this combination

Picture C - This would be totally different.  I would fussy cut from it.  I might have to change the plan red under it also but I could do that.

Picture D - Should have been Picture A but they got out of order.  This was the original.  I think that the two reds are too much alike and blend in too much.

Ok.  What does everybody think?   I haven't done the center flower yet because I want it to go well with the outer flowers.  

While I was contemplating this, I baked up some pumpkin pie (crustless) and a cinnamon bake.  The pumpkin pie (or pumpkin pudding) doesn't look good in a picture so I didn't take one.  This is what my cinnamon bake looked like.

It has a thin drizzle of frosting on it too.  You can barely see that down in the lower right hand side. 

Ohhhh.  Before I leave, did I tell you my WOW moment?  I was thinking on how much I want to lose before I retire.  I'm not retiring right away but I choose 2 years as a guideline.  So I did some number crunching.  I know... I know.  ME?  Crunch numbers?  Yeah, it surprised me too.  So I figure I need to lose around 72 pounds to get to my "goal" weight.  Split that in 2 means 36 pounds in one year.  That still sounded like a lot (and it is) so I split it again and discovered that 36 pounds a year comes to 3 pounds a MONTH!  That's it.  Only 3 pounds a month!  I can do that.  The real trick is not to get too cocky and do a yo yo dieting during the month.  You know what I mean.  Lose the 3 pounds and then not be careful what I eat and gain it back and then lose it again, etc.  I think I can be strong enough not to do that.  Wish me luck.  LOL.

I hope everybody has a good night and remember that I need your opinions on the colors.  If you don't like any of them for the flower let me know that too.


Bonni said...

Drat. I just noticed that my green leaves by the flower are actually PART of the flower. Well that is only 8 things to redo. They aren't stitched down or anything yet so not a big deal, just aggravating.

Sue Cottle said...

I like your original colour choice (D), yes, close, but then it looks like it's a deliberate choice.
Yay you on weight loss, but I think your goal of 3 pounds a month - which is 1.5kg in my money, is not really healthy, and could put a heap of strain on your body. Most of the healthy eating sites I follow recommend no more than 500g/1lb a month - and remember, your body is going to fight like hell to keep that weight. Just my opinion, but I'm right there with you in support. What diet plan are you going to do??

Marsha Clark said...

I like pic. A the best.

Marsha Clark said...

The baked goods look delish..........

Spring is almost here ...

   And it is time to change up what is on my wall.  Obviously I put up Butterfly Trellis.  It just speaks to me of Spring which is officiall...