Monday, January 1, 2018

Welcome 2018!

The first post for 2018!  That's exciting (for me at least)!

I managed to finish correcting my mistake on the illusion quilt top.  The top is finished at least.  It might be a bit before I get it quilted.

I haven't made up my mind yet on how to quilt it nor what to use for the backing material.  I am thinking of straight quilting lines (not stitch in the ditch though).  Any opinions on how you think it will look if I do narrow lines on the white L and dark gray L portions of it?  I thought that might make the colorful rectangles stand out more.  Maybe outline the colorful rectangles with just one row of stitching.  For all you quilters out there, what do you think?

Usually a new start to the year means a new start to many things.  A lot of people make resolutions.  I'm not sure on that because I never keep them.  I do have some goals that I would like to see accomplished in 2018.  They are:

Do more crafting (like duh!)
Be there for my friends when they need me (that's another duh!)
Lose more weight
Be more positive
Post in this blog on a more regular basis
Cut back on the Block of the Month programs so that I might actually finish some of them
Pay it forward when I can

There are three of those goals that I have already started to work on.  Obviously "be there for my friends when they need me" is an ongoing thing.  The second goal that I'm putting more thought into is to be more positive.  I like to think I'm pretty positive anyway but sometimes you have to make a conscious effort to be positive.  It's easy to be positive when nothing goes wrong but harder when faced with negativity of any kind.  I have a book called Quotationary that I love.  I will be using that for finding positive quotes or perhaps just quotes that make me think.  Today's quote is from St. Augustine.

"When large numbers of people share their joy in common, the happiness of each is greater because each adds fuel to the other's flame." - St. Augustine (354-430)

Negativity also  is like that.  It can be fueled by others so let's all try to make 2018 a more positive year!

The other thing that is a work in process is how many Block of the Month programs I start...but never finish.

This year the list already consists of:

A Year in the Garden by Jenny of Elefantz Designs

Gnome for the Holidays by Fat Cat Patterns

Simple but Elegant BOM by The Quilt Pattern Magazine

Bug OFF! - Angie Padilla's 2018 Free BOM

Redwork BOM - not from this year but from another year so I already have all 12 blocks for that and just need to start to work on them.

I had a couple more that I was interested in (like the Civil War Antebellum BOM) but will not actively work on them.  I still might collect them for whenever I have time.  Perhaps I should just start a UFO BOM.  I could put BOM patterns directly into that knowing that I'll never have time for them all but I still like them.  LOL!

It's time for me to finish this post for now.  I have to work on another block for a test pattern that is due by the end of the month and then start to work on those 2018 BOMs.  Some of them are already out now.

Welcome to 2018 everybody!  I hope you have a safe and great year.  Thank you for taking the time to read what I post and I look forward to writing more in 2018.

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