Sunday, December 31, 2017

Happy New Year!

It's finally here.  The end of 2017.  I thought I'd post a picture of me at the end of 2017 so here it is.

Hehehe.  Sorry, I couldn't resist.  That really IS a picture of me.  Underneath two afghan/blankets, a t-shirt, a sweatshirt and undies you'd find me.  That is also pretty indicative of what usually happens to me.  That is thread from unstitching....

Yep, that's right.  I sewed the blocks and rows together and took the picture and THEN realized that the green block on the top row was sewn wrong.  So tonight I unstitched it and will try to put it back together again tomorrow.   I would try it tonight but figured I'd just mess it up again.

Speaking of messing it up, I messed up my weight loss.  I did gain but overall I am down in weight.  I will post tomorrow exactly how much gained or lost.  Those types of things are best done in the light of day and a new year to boot.  I'm sure there will be lots of people going on diets or whatever they want to call them.  It will be the New Years Resolution for many.  I don't like the word Resolution though.  Every time I label something a "New Years Resolution" I fail to keep it.  So this year I will change the title to New Years Hopefuls.  I am hopeful, for instance, that I will eat better and lose some more weight.  I don't care how much.  Just as long as I end the year small than the start of the year.  If I take more time with my food presentations I'm sure I'd eat less because they would be too pretty to eat.  LOL.

This is an example of something that is too pretty to eat!

My other hopeful is to finish some half finished projects.  In order to do that, I will have to cut down on how many BOM or BOWs I sign up for.  I know that I want to do that Fat Cat Pattern one with the gnomes.  I think there might be two more that I plan on doing.  One is a redwork one from a past year.  I found all the blocks so I'll just do them this year.  Another one MIGHT be the Stars over Baltimore one.  I'm going to try to stop there.  I have UFOs that need to be finished so I will try to get some of them done plus my cross stitch projects need to be worked on too. 

So let me say that everybody will have a safe and joyous New Years all year long. 

Happy 2018 everybody!

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All caught up!

    Not much to report this time around but I did want to post an update on the Blackwork.  This is the 2024 Peppermint Purple Stitch a Long...