Monday, May 20, 2019


That is what I have been doing.  I took today off of work and it was great not to go in.  Don't get me wrong, I love my work but it was also nice to do crafting when I wanted to do it, etc.

Last night I made some progress on the test pattern for The Quilt Pattern Magazine and then realized that my cutting was being a pain and not working out.  So today I redid my thinking and played frogger as I unstitched what I did last night.  I had to go get more fabric but that turned out fine.  While I was at Hobby Lobby getting more white on white, I saw this material.

I have some friends who loves paisley so I am sure that I will find a use for this.  I actually bought 5 1/2 yards of it.  That was all that was left on the bolt but the real reason why I bought that much was because it was marked down to $2 a yard!!!!!  I couldn't pass that up.  It feels very nice to the touch also.

Also while I was there, I picked up some other things but they will be given away as gifts so I can't show their pictures.  Another thing that I picked up was some premium cardstock that was on sale.  Normally I wouldn't have looked for it but on Friday I learned how to make paper envelopes.  I got on Amazon and I already have my envelope maker and have had fun making some envelopes. 

I also made some envelopes where the pattern is on the inside of the envelope and the outside is just white.  It is fun to make and I can use these various sizes for stuffing with small things and put inside larger envelopes, etc. 

Since I had an extra day off, if you discount helping to proctor exams at Malcom X on Saturday, I put a dump cake in the crockpot.  It is:

2 cans of apple pie filling
1 stick of butter (melted)
1 vanilla or white cake mix

Put in your cans of pie filling in the crock pot first.
Sprinkle the cake mix on top of it (the dry mix, do not add anything to it)
Then pour the melted butter over it all.

Set the crockpot on high and in 4 hours you have the apple crumble.

While the crumble was cooking, I got in a little practice of free motion quilting. 

I don't have any patterns that I was doing.  I was just using up some fabric sandwich that I had cut off from a previous project.  Why throw it away when it is already layered.  It's a start.  I am going to try and work more on it. 

That's it for tonight.  I will have something else to show you soon, I hope.  I know I can work on it over the weekend so if nothing else perhaps then.

Oh, almost forgot.  When I was in Hobby Lobby, I struck up a conversation with the lady in front of me at checkout.  She quilts also and doesn't live that far from me.  We exchanged contact information so perhaps I'll have a local quilter to get together with sometimes.  So I will give a shout out to Sid in case she is reading this.  Hey Sid!  it was nice chatting with you at Hobby Lobby today.

I hope everybody has a great night/day and I'll write again soon to tell you about my projects and life.

Bye for now and keep stitching!

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