Sunday, July 14, 2019

Post Birthday Recovvery

Whew!  I survived turning 63!  LOL.   This birthday was pretty good.  I had lots of good wishes and felt really special.

It actually started on Thursday.  I had brought in my favorite breakfast casserole.  I split the recipe so that I had one with meat and one without meat.  It was the first time I made it without meat and people seemed to like it a lot.  I will have to remember that for the future. 

Another co-worker brought in yummy blueberry muffins.  That wasn't all. Yet another co-worker gave me a gift certificate to Dollar Tree and that is one of my favorite places to go to.  She had also put in an add that said on Sunday there would be an extra 10% taken off all purchases.  SWEET!

I had a couple of pretty cards in the mail.  My sister in law sent me one with lots of flowers on it and butterflies.  It almost looked like the flowers that I received from another co-worker.

This was all on Thursday because on my birthday, Friday the 12th, I was at home.  I never used to take my birthday off so it felt a little strange but something I could get used to (grin).  Of course going out to eat with Connie was great.  We went to a Mandarin restaurant and, of course, over ate.

I didn't do much at all ON my birthday except eat and sleep.  I actually drifted off to sleep while watching TV and didn't wake up until 5 hours later!  Guess I must have needed it.  Saturday I went out for  french fries.  Yes you read that right.  French fries.  A long time ago, a friend and I used to go to a restaurant which served unlimited french fries.  We would order the fries and something to drink and sit and chat about life and such.  Every once in awhile I still do it but this time usually by myself.  It is good for catching up on journaling, etc.

I was going to use my free Jersey Mike's subway and drink but I slept through that.  Good thing that it is good for the month of July.

I won't go out today because my landlord called and she is having an overhead oven fan put in!  I've been waiting for this since before Christmas so today is the day.  That will be nice.  I've never had one before but they had promised me they would get me one and they did.

My birthday is extended all the way through until Monday.  I have Monday off work although I will be at the office until noon.  I have a 10 a.m. appointment with my TIAFF-CREF representative to make some more plans, understand the plans anyway, for my retirement in 2020.  I won't have enough money, of course, but then I've never had enough money.  I keep telling myself that I have all of this fabric and patterns and threads just waiting for me to retire and work with.  Then, at noon, Beth and I are going to the all you can eat Chinese Buffet.  She has never been there but I like it.  I also like their hibachi grill where you can pick out your meat and veggies and they will cook it for you while you wait. 

Sometime after I caught up on rest, I got the urge to work on some quilting.  It's hard for me to work on Quilting in the summertime.  I pulled out an UFO called Storm at Sea.  I've been starring at it for about 3 months but now I decided to sew together some of the rows. 

You can, perhaps, see the pattern better from my colored in master.

When I sewed the top row together, it seems to be a bit off.  Row 2 and 3 look like they will line up pretty much on point but row 1 is off.  I need to see how to fix that.  I might redo the row.  I will fix it before I start to put together the blocks for the other rows.  Slowly but surely it will move out of the UFO stage into the flimsie stage.  I like to separate those two stages since it makes me think I've made progress.  The flimsie stage, of course, means that the top is put together and ready to sandwhich before doing the quilting.

I also managed to do some more stitches on my mini owl cross stitch.  I have taken up a challenge to have 10,000 stitches done before Christmas.  I broke it down if I do 400 stitches each week I will make that challenge.  I'll post another picture of that later.  It's time for me to sign off the computer and get some other things done.

One of the things that I'm in the middle of doing is working on my new Happy Planner 2019-2020 planner.  I've changed up the size and bought some extender disks so now I have enough planners of different sizes to use for other projects as well.  I will try to take some pictures of them.  I have some large sized ones for recipes and crafting, a small one for every day notes and thoughts, and a middle sized one which is my everyday calendar.  I am thinking of splitting up my crafting one into types of crafts - quilting vs. cross stitch.  I might have enough disks and covers to even do a misc. one which would be for things that caught my eye but I haven't tried yet.

Oops.  Gotta really run now.  The smoke detector is going off.  Think it is from them installing the hood.  Catch ya'll later.

1 comment:

Kathy G said...

Happy Birthday! Sounds like a good one.

Spring is almost here ...

   And it is time to change up what is on my wall.  Obviously I put up Butterfly Trellis.  It just speaks to me of Spring which is officiall...