Wednesday, July 3, 2019

Can you believe it is July?

July sort of snuck up on me.  The year is almost half way done with and I'm not sure why I just now think of it.  It could be because July is my birthday month.  It could be because July starts the second half of the year, or it could even be that everybody is starting their "Christmas in July" sales.  With it being half way over with, I have to rethink what I want to get accomplished in 2019 as far as crafting goes.

There are a lot of possibilities including just working on what I have already started and turned into UFOs, start new things, or just say what the heck and throw my hands up and spin my wheels and get nothing done.  That last part is always a fall back option when the other two things don't work out.

I did get one or two UFOs done so that is a big accomplishment for me.  I also managed to get another test pattern done for The Quilt Pattern Magazine so I figure I've been more productive than normal.  Of course we won't take count of how many UFOs I still have in quilting AND cross stitch.

I did sign up for a cross stitch challenge.  It's to get 10,000 stitches in by December 24, 2019.  I missed out on the last challenge due to my sciatic problems so I hope to get this one done.  Now I just have to figure out which cross stitch pattern I want to work on.  The Mini Owl is a good choice.  I started that as my first Heaven and Earth Design (HAED).  10,000 would go a long way on that.  I do have another HAED that I started and would be good to do.  That one is more colorful.  I think I would work on the colorful one without the challenge since it is more colorful.  I don't need as much  incentive.  I broke down the 10,000 into how many stitches per week and it was around 400.  That is four blocks on my pattern.  I can do that.  I also have another, simpler, cross stitch that I want to work on.  It is a Happy Everything runner.  It has snowmen dressed in various holidays so the one picture will cover an entire year and, thus, cover all the major holidays of the year so I don't have to change it out.

We'll see.  Then there is quilting and UFOs.  Here is one UFO that I forgot about until I hung the piec up on my work bulletin board.

It looks complete doesn't it?  The UFO, I'm afraid to admit, is the binding.  It is just basted on with matching thread.  LOL.  I should take it home with me and finish it but perhaps next year.  I only hang it up for a couple of days each year.  No hurry, right?

As with most of you, I get distracted with new projects all the time.  That is probably why I have so many UFOs also.  I ordered from Shabby Fabrics a Baltimore Garden table runner.  Can't wait to get that fused on and started on stitching.

The other thing, which could easily be put in the UFO collection is my stamped cross stitched quilt blocks.

This came from Hobby Lobby on a sale.  There are 6 blocks in each package which measure around 16".  It only takes three colors, which is nice, and they say it takes 3 packages for a twin size bed.  The approximate quilt size before washing should be around 64" x 104".  I did manage to get three packages (under $4 each package) so I am working on them.  This first block is almost finished.  I have 4 small loops and the one curly section (you can see where I stopped) to do.  Not sure how it will get put together but one thing at a time.

Break time is over so I'll stop here.  I hope you have a wonderful day and for the US readers, a great Fourth of July.  Non US readers,  I hope you have a great day also.  :)

Until next time, keep stitch and creating.

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