Friday, June 25, 2021

What I've been working on...

 I finally finished my test project so that  has been submitted and could start to work on other things.  The first two projects were finishing up Welcome Bunny and then starting on a tumbler flag wall hanging.  

The tumbler flag still needs a border put on and then to the quilting part.  I won't have it finished by the Fourth of July but it will be done shortly after that.

With those two projects finished, as well as my test project I thought what else can I get done?  I looked around and pulled out a UFO.  It is a Layer Cake Lattice wall hanging.  I had most of the blocks done but now decided that I need 3 more.  Here is a picture but it will change.  It is up on the wall so  I can look at it and rearrange the color blocks a bit.  

I put it up on the wall but then had a disaster happen!  I as stepping down from my step ladder and turned too quickly.  I bumped into something and my soda, which was in my hand, flew out of my hand, turned upside down on top of my SEWING MACHINE!  Talk about a mess.  It got into my bobbin area, on top of it, underneath it, etc.  Plus I had other things on the table that got soaked as well.  I had to wash out the extra triangle blocks for the lattice quilt and they are drying now.  My notes on how to make it are all ruined.  I also had to wash/soak my wonder clips which had gotten drowned (ok, maybe too strong of a word) and more.

I cleaned it up as well as I could  I will try the sewing machine out later or possibly tomorrow to see if it still works.  :(

It won't stop me from working on something.  I have enough hand work that I will pull out in a bit.  One of them might be my hexies. A friend was wondering about EPP and I could stand to work on it more too.

Everybody have a wonderful last weekend in June!


A Walk With Susan said...

I am sorry to hear about your incident with your soda. I hope your sewing machine will be alright. I love your "Welcome Bunny". The Flag wall hanging is super cute. I wasn't sure I would like the tumbler blocks but I think it went together nicely. The Lattice wall hanging has grown since I seen it last. Good job!

Hmmm I wonder about that EPP still not sure I will have to give it some thought.

esther said...

Hoping your sewing machine works okay. Your projects are beautiful ❤️

Marsha Clark said...

I hope your machine works. Girl, you sound like me......... <3 Pretty projects !

Spring is almost here ...

   And it is time to change up what is on my wall.  Obviously I put up Butterfly Trellis.  It just speaks to me of Spring which is officiall...