Wednesday, August 4, 2021

My brain went on vacation

 but it left the rest of me behind.  Can you believe that?  How RUDE!  I have used other names over the years on how to call my "blanking out".  You know what I mean.  I'm sure it happens to you too.  I'm not talking about the blanking out of forgetting one word or an appointment.  I'm talking about losing you crafting mojo, vegetating or just blah!  I've used all those words before to describe when I feel like doing something (like crafting or cooking) but don't.  It's dangerous because things that you should have done have a tendency to stay undone.  My personal opinion is if the gremlins are in my abode and take things so I can't find them, then they should also take things like laundry and dishes and dusting too.  It would seem only fair.  After all they aren't paying rent so I don't think it is too much to ask from them.

I've found myself doing that.  Just vegetating or not doing anything except being lazy.  Perhaps that is why I signed up for another test pattern.  i don't have a choice.  I have to keep to a schedule so it is a little push to keep me being productive,  So I am back in the crafting saddle again but I didn't just jump up out of bed and get to it.  I eased into it.  I find that helps me also.  I looked at my latest Primitive Quilts Magazine and then watched Pat Sloan's video for block 5 of Summer Soiree.  Still not quite ready to get started on the test pattern so then I listened to Ricky Tims "Today on the Mountain".

He talked about seeking the beauty that is everywhere around us and to remember to treat yourself to some love and joy.  Wow!   I know that it is an easy thing to say but not all the time is it easy to do.  We should do it though.  Look around you (or around the dust bunnies) and see what gives you joy,  For me it is my imperfect wall hangings and my recipes.  It is seeing a package that I have ready to go out to a friend knowing that she will enjoy what it is inside.  It is looking out the window that is in my door and seeing four little kittens playing with each other after discovering that they ALL have tails that twitch and are asking to be pounced on.  What do you find joy in?

Once you find that joy, your brain can come back from vacation.  It's like my brain left and took pictures and then returned to show me that life isn't all doom and gloom.  There is plenty of beautiful and fun things out there.  That was enough to inspire me to dig out that test pattern and see what I need to do.  Ahhh, applique.  Yep, that's another thing that I enjoy. 

Of course now that I am getting back in the grove, it means I'd better sign off here and get to it before my brain goes on vacation again.

I hope everybody has a great day.


A Walk With Susan said...

I understand totally understand. I hope the photos it showed you were pleasant ones. Hope the test quilt goes well.

Bonni said...

Thanks. :)

Deb Johnson, Quiltbeeme said...

Welcome to the Southern Summer! The humidity and heat get to you and you find yourself with no energy! Good for you for starting a new project!! Hugs, Deb

bournegirl said...

Oh, Bonni, I loved this Ricky post, and thank you so much for sharing it with us. Sometimes I am baffled that it is so hard to put my thoughts into words, and to trust my eyes, ears and heart to let me see and absorb as much as possible. You Rock. Way down there in your southern house full of fabric---and that yard full of cats--rockin retirement, lady!

Bonni said...

Thanks for your kind words everybody. We just need to remember that anything/everything can inspire us. Of course I hope that most of that is a good inspiration. :)

Marsha Clark said...

Hugs <3

Spring is almost here ...

   And it is time to change up what is on my wall.  Obviously I put up Butterfly Trellis.  It just speaks to me of Spring which is officiall...