Thursday, August 19, 2021

Ups and Downs of August

 It's been 10 days since I've posted and I really don't know what I have been doing in those 10 days.  Oh wait.  Now I remember.  I'm testing a quilt pattern.  Time slips by when I do that.  While I can't show you THAT pattern yet, I can show you one that I did and it will appear in the September issue of The Quilt Pattern Magazine.  The pattern will appear in it.  The picture of my test pattern will not since it was not totally completed.  I ws able to finish the top but I don't have the right material for the backing so it is just a "flimsy" right now.  I think it is cute though.  It is an Irish Baby Elephant.

I am behind on my current test pattern mostly because I need a little break from it every now and then.  Since the test patterns usually put me behind on my other projects, when I need a break I go to them.  I put on y design wall the three blocks for various BOMs, etc. that I have now fused on blocks and will reach to stitch down when I need a break.

I did a close up of the cat one so that you can see the colors better.  I figured that you know what the colors for the flag should be so you didn't need a close up of that.  Yes, that is another Fleur  block to stitch.  They all merge into each other since there is a lot of the same block.  LOL.

That's about it for me for the last 10 days.  Of course I need to show you a picture of the cats that I took when they all showed up for breakfast.  

Here are the four kittens.  They are getting very comfortable with getting on the porch.  This morning two of them were on the porch table (you can see it on the left side of the picture) and usually are waiting for me in the morning to open up the door.  On the right side of the stoop is a chair and Tort is usually sitting on that like it's his throne.  If he has to jump down and a kitten is by him, he will hiss at them.  They move off a little bit but no longer totally run away.

I hope that you all have a great day.  It's overcast here so I hope no more thunderstorms since I lost electricity the last time one rolled through.  Not for very long but long enough to lose whatever I was typing on the computer.

Until next time...


Marsha Clark said...

Cute Elephant ! Your other applique are all Pretty !
The kitties are all Cute !
What a Blessing you are for them. <3

esther said...

Love the elephant block. Would made a cute baby quilt. And the other ones are also nice. The kittens are having a good time. Keep up the good work.

Unknown said...

I love the blocks you have been working on. I have to say the elephant is adorable! Keep up the good work, Bonni! :-)

A Walk With Susan said...


You did an amazing job on your baby elephant, it looks like she is blowing shamrock bubbles. She is adorable. You are further along with Fleur than I am I only have a few 9 patches sewn together. The kitty applique is so cute.
Those kitties are growing so quickly, pretty soon they will as big as their mama.

Deb Johnson, Quiltbeeme said...

I love all that you are working on! You are a trooper for doing all the quilt testing hon! Enjoy! Hugs, Deb

Spring is almost here ...

   And it is time to change up what is on my wall.  Obviously I put up Butterfly Trellis.  It just speaks to me of Spring which is officiall...