Sunday, June 25, 2023

Not a good week

 This hasn't been a good week for me on both the losing weight side as well as on the craft side.  That's ok.  I'll bounce back.  It's so hot right now that I get antsy and don't have patience if things don't work out.  What hasn't worked out this week?

1.  My messenger bag.  I could have sworn I followed directions and it didn't turn out at all.  I'll cut off the bottom of it, perhaps, and just use it as a quick bag when I need it.  Of course I'm just as likely to cut it apart, store the scraps for another project, and throw out this pattern.  I have another messenger bag pattern that I can try to make but my patience has gone for a bit.  Perhaps because heat indexes over 100 make me grumpy?  Patterns not working out make me grumpy?  Both?

2.  I have messed up my Blackwork so it is set aside for another day.

3.  I gained weight - gee Bonni, see what happens when you binge eat?  SHOCKER!

On the good news front..

1.  I chased off 4 big dogs with my walking stick when they wanted to eat the cat food and was scaring little Luna.  I really wasn't in danger.  They are large dogs but no growing at me.  Just barking at Luna.  A wave of my stick, a stern voice, and me staying on the porch until I see them give up on waiting and all was fine.  I held Luna for a little bit and then big brother Sunny came over and wanted his cuddles and pets also.  She showed up for breakfast this morning so she's ok.

2.  I found a dragon pattern that I want to make.  I don't necessarily like how they did it but I'll think on it.

3.  I'm getting some exercise in.  It counts picking out fabric and putting it away again, right?  Walking to the corner grocery store and then picking up weights (2 liters) and walking again counts right?  LOL.

That's it for now.  It is 83F right now and it is 8:45 a.m.  Think I had better walk to the gas station before it gets hotter.  Heat index is expected to be over 100F today.  I have plenty of water to drink so I'm not worried.

Stay cool and have a great day.

Monday, June 19, 2023

Moving recipe and cooking info to Monays

 After thinking about it, I will be posting about recipes and such to Mondays (instead of Wednesdays).  That is because I've been trying to lose weight and I weigh in on Mondays.  LOL.  Nothing like being held accountable for things by posting it someplace.  :)

So here is what is happening as far as food is concerned.  

1.  I don't have a specific weight loss program that I will be following.  Done that before and yes I did  lose weight but it eventually came back on.  I have lost over 100 pounds twice.  So I know what will work for me.  Now that I am less active,  will have to be a bit more careful but I will do it.  I'm not in a hurry.

2.  I've cut down on my soda.  I do prefer regular but I am pretty proud that I have cut back down.  I am on the same case of regular soda and it has been over a week.  That is a record for me.  Before I allow myself some soda, I am forcing myself to drink water which I do not like.  Yes, I know it is better for me but my taste buds don't care and neither do I.  I do have some diet soda sometimes, like I get it from Pantry Day, but mostly it is regular.   I also drink some tea.  I have one that I love and can drink without anything added to it.  It is a loose tea from:

I love Auntie Arwin's Bah! Bah! Black Sheep Rosemary Citrus Blend as well as their Very Berry Beneficial tea (loose tea). I will order more eventually but that is what I've tried so far.

I will be getting some sugar free Kool-Aid  when I go to the store next...unless I forget it again.  LOL.

3.  What did I eat?  For brunch? I usually have an omelet with fresh spinach and feta cheese.  

4.  In the afternoon I have fixed French Bread Pizza.  Well fixed half of it and put the other half of the bread back in the freezer.  I also had enchiridia's.  Another day I had tuna mac.

That is what I HAD.  So what am I going to HAVE this week?

I still like versions of omelets for brunch.  Then I will decide what to make for dinner.

I have a lot of recipes I want to try but I haven't gotten to the store yet to get all the ingredients to make them do to my income and also Dan's vehicle not running.  It's fun being retired isn't it?  Sigh.  LOL.

Some things that I would like to make soon-ish are:

1.  Chicken breasts with tomato paste on top, cheese, and then Italian seasoning to top it all.  Bake.  I know.  That recipe is a bit lacking in directions.  That's how I wrote it down.  LOL.

2.  Chopped chicken bacon ranch sub - but I'm not sure if I will put it on a sub roll or just make it as a salad, etc.

3.  crack chicken pinwheels.

4.  Marinated Beet Salad

5.  Southwest Chicken Hummus Wrap

6.  And more...  :)

What do you plan on making?  Do you have a favorite summer dish you like to make?

Thursday, June 15, 2023

What I been up to?

 There is a lot of things I *should* have been up to but sadly I wasn't.,  Between my allergies and the rain and the heat...I didn't feel like doing much.  I did, however, run cross this website and thought I'd share the link with you.  It tells how many cuts you can get from a fat quarter.  Interesting...

My allergies and eye sight is a little better today.  I managed to catch up on my blackwork weekly blocks.  

Soon I will start on the current week which is week 24.  What is exciting about week 24 is that it is the last block before I start on the last row.  It's coming along.

That is about all I have to show for the crafting.  I am in the middle of stitching my July block exchange.  It won't take me long to finish it so that it will be all ready to mail out once I get the name of my partner.  The next month, August (to be stitched in July) will take a bit more thinking of what to do.  I'm not worried though.  I am sure that I'll find something that I will want to stitch. 

To make up for not showing too much on the crafting front, I have some kitten pictures for you.

First up in little Luna.  She gets into everything.  I now have to be careful when I open the door to go outside.  She is just waiting for the moment when she can scoot in.  

Next up is Smudge.  Smudge has the markings similar to Momma Smidge but is more gray.  The markings are starting to come out more and it is fun to see.  One of these days I might even be able to pet him/her.  

Their big brother, Sonny, is showing them around the yard more.  I'm not sure he is the best influence since I remember when he would sneak into the house or get into other things.

Of course, BC (or that could be Uncle Orange - it is hard to tell) is standing watch while Callie gets a chance to eat.  I saw Callie's kittens the other day but they might have moved on.  I haven't seen Callie or the kittens in about a week.  Dan did say that he saw her the other day so I know she is still around somewhere and is getting food.  She will show up eventually.  With kittens of her own, I'm sure she is busy.

I know that this post isn't very long or anything  but I'll try show some more stuff next time.  

Take care everybody and I'll see you next week.

Tuesday, June 13, 2023

Back on track...sort of

 Wow.  So much has happened and yet looking back I'm not sure what DID happen.  Best laid plans and all that.  So....

My plans for food have been turned upside down when I agreed to go on a weight loss journey with a friend.  I'm not sorry I said I would go on this journey for I needed to lose around 30-40 pounds. I am happy to help my friend on her journey too.  We've always exchanged recipes so it is fun.   I just hadn't expected it so wasn't prepared for it.  I am TOTALLY happy she convinced me to go on this journey with her.  So where does that leave me?  Good question.

I should plan again my meals but I am not quite in the mood for it.  LOL.  I am still collecting recipes and sharing them.  Of course I can eat anything, or should that be everything, I want just as long as I don't overdo it.  So what am I eating this week?  Good question.

The front runners are:

something with hamburger since I have some that is already cooked up

something with rice and/or potatoes

maybe some of my tuna quiche-like pie but crestless

Taco soup

maybe chicken pinwheels

When I get to the grocery store, I'll buy some lettuce and spinach for salads.  

Any suggestions?  

Monday, June 5, 2023

Did you miss me?

 Yeah I didn't post this week??  Last weeks? updates.  So there isn't much to talk about this week.

It has been in the high 80s and low to mid 90s last week and this week.  It doesn't give me energy to work on things,  So that is my excuse which really isn't an excuse but more of an explanation.

My eyes are also bothering me this week.  I'm not sure why but it has slowed me down.  Normally I'd have my weekly update for you with my blackwork but I'm still stitching it.  

Here is what it looks like up to this current week.  I will have it ready for the next craft update though.

I was able to send out my block to my partner.  She was happy to get it and it brought a smile to my face. 

It's time to start on the next block.  It will be a patriotic theme since it is for July.  I already know which block I want to do.  I have it printed out and now I have to get the fabric picked out and the pieces fused on.  I have plenty of time so I'm not worried.

I did get some more of the cross stitch done.  Not sure if I will get it anything done on it this week but I'll see.

That's about it for my crafting report this week.  I also am going to try to lose some weight so I have a lot of things on my plate right now.  At least I won't be bored.  LOL.  This meme is a good reminder not to give up.  

Things will get done.  I'm retired.  I have time, right?

Stay cool everybody and maybe I'll post again this week!

Spring is almost here ...

   And it is time to change up what is on my wall.  Obviously I put up Butterfly Trellis.  It just speaks to me of Spring which is officiall...