Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Where did the time go!

Here we are already in January 2011 and I have no idea when we got here.  Of course I was aware of all the holidays and the break, etc but it just seems that life is rushing by so fast it is getting harder and harder to slow it down.

The weather has been semi decent this winter.  Haven't been snowed in, which is both good and bad, but we are having a bit of rain.  The coastal regions seem to be getting more unexpected and unseasonal weather than we are.  I did have a great Christmas.

The whole family was in good health and I managed to get some quilting done.  I will wish and pray for more days like that!

Hopefully I will get to post more often.  I must remember that.

I cam back after lunch today to some bad news.  One of my friends in Utah died this morning.  I had only met Michele once and talked to her perhaps only a dozen of times but felt comfy around her and we could talk.

 I will miss her.

May you be at Peace Michele.

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All caught up!

    Not much to report this time around but I did want to post an update on the Blackwork.  This is the 2024 Peppermint Purple Stitch a Long...