Thursday, November 24, 2011

Happy Thanksgiving to those who are celebrating it today

Just a quick little post to say thank you to all my family (extended family too of course).  Are you doing anything special today?

I will be going to eat at my brothers and his family today.  I don't know what I will be having because they never tell me.  At least i don't have to bring anything nor do I have to do dishes.  Not a bad arrangement.  Before that I will go visit my other brother (Santa) at the rehab place.  He had a good report with the doctor yesterday but the doctor still won't schedule the bypass surgery. "Not yet" is what he said.  We'll see how long "not yet" is.  Hopefully it will be soon or in more mundane terms....before Medicare stops paying for Santa's stay with Rehab.

So family obligations out of the way (won't see mom until Sunday for Biscuits and Gravy Sunday) that means I get Friday AND Saturday to craft.  Hmmm.  Maybe just Saturday.  It might take me all day Friday to organize my room again so that I can find fabric.  I thought I had some flower fabric that would have been PERFECT (I think) to go with a small quilt or wall hanging.  Of course that means I couldn't find it and after rummaging through the fabric now find I made more of a mess and need to straighten it up before I can REALLY find anything.

Perhaps I'll work again on the quilt as you go project.  I had better do that pretty soon so that I don't have to call Connie up and say "Ummm Connie?  How did we do this again?"  :)  This time I'm not going to sew those seams (sashings) down by machine.  Will do it by hand.  That way I can determine if I'll unstitch the first two rows and resew them by hand.

I also might work on some Dresdens to put in some Xmas stockings.  The nice thing about giving gifts to quilters is that you don't have to put some things together.  They are also happy with blocks.  LOL.  Before they can be put into Xmas stockings though I need to make the stockings.  Looks like another list I need to start.  I'm not the only one who does lists though.  You might be interested in what Sew We Quilt website is doing for December.  Go here to find out what is scheduled....

Time to cut some material.  Have a peaceful day and if not....HIDE and do crafts!

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Spring is almost here ...

   And it is time to change up what is on my wall.  Obviously I put up Butterfly Trellis.  It just speaks to me of Spring which is officiall...