Sunday, March 31, 2013

Happy Easter - picture day

Happy Easter everybody.  It's been a busy day but I'm sure that it was for everybody.  Mine started out with having breakfast with mom.  She's 92 but still looking good (I think).

See that little chick?  It has a ball inside of it that lights up when you hit it against something, causing the chick to flash up in lights.  She was having fun with that.  She finally figured out that she needed to hold the chick's feet together and whack the table.  She giggled every time it lit up.

After seeing mom, I stopped by Jay's (My nephew and his family of wife and five children).  Here are some pictures that I snapped there.

That last picture is Wisconsin, the turtle.  He has some new gravel and a water fall so had to take a picture of him too.  :)

I managed to stay at home for a little bit and finished getting a couple of blocks done which has to be mailed to Canada tomorrow.  Can't show the picture yet but will later.

Then it was off to my brothers - Kerm.  Bobbie, his wife, always has a pretty tablescape and this year was no exception.

Had a great meal of Leg of Lamb, roasted potatoes (various kinds), carrots with ginger and spices, corn, asparagus and it started out with a great salad.  Dessert was light which was nice.  She had fresh fruit (cantaloupe and strawberries) and coconut cupcakes.

I'm tired and it's 9:32 now.  Think I'll turn in since I only work half a day tomorrow.  

Everybody have a great day.

Sunday, March 24, 2013

Another Quilting Sunday

There isn't much to report on this week.  I'm still working on the test project which means you can't see my progress until it is published.  I will post then and have comments at that time.

I found an old doll quilt that I had done years ago and took it to moms today.  She has a friend in the nursing home who doesn't have any family come see her and she "lives" for her doll that she carries around with her. Mom will give her the doll quilt as a surprise present.

I did want to post a pattern for those of you who like geometric designs.  This comes from Rose Smith and posted on Ludlow Quilt and Sew website.  It's an interlocking Chevron.  I love Rose Smith's patterns.  She breaks down the process with plenty of pictures and easy instructions and if that isn't enough, usually has a video at the end of the instructions showing you how she did it.  Check out this pattern...

Sign up for her newsletter and see what she comes up with.  I'm sure that even the beginner quilters (like myself) can do most of the patterns.

Thanks Rose for letting me share the link on my website and keep up the good work.

Sunday, March 17, 2013

March 17th - Happy St. Patty's Day

The Irish in me is so small I'll not wear green today (mostly because my outfit hasn't been cleaned yet) but I will wish everybody a Happy St. Patty's day.  I didn't go see mom today since I wasn't feeling the best but I did work a little bit on my test pattern.  It's coming along.

A day or so ago I posted my mug rugs for the swap I was in.  Over the weekend I received mine.  In it was some more goodies also.  Here are some pix from that.

I also received a little single serving size of Folgers "instant coffee crystals" and a packet of hot chocolate.  A very yummy package to get too.  I wonder how she knew that I liked to put chocolate in my coffee?  I'm sure I will be using them soon.  Are her colors that she used in the mug rugs cute?  I'll be putting those on my bulletin board at work tomorrow.

The blanket stitch around the applique pieces were done by hand and the outline stitching, echo stitching, and stitch in the ditch were done on her machine.  I love them.

Thanks Ruby!

Thursday, March 14, 2013

new app for my phone

This isn't a quilting post today but I have to tell you about a new app that I downloaded for my android phone.  I take a lot of pictures with my phone and this app lets me do some small changes to it.

So here was was sample.  I took a picture of a pretty wallpaper my computer came with.

Today I used my new app called Photo Editor by Aviary, Inc. (free Android app). and turned the above into this.

I think that I might like this new app.

Mug Rugs

I recently joined in on a mug rug swap and finally mailed them out to my partner today.  Everybody had the same design but could chose their own fabric.  This is how mine turned out.  Can't wait to see what I'll be in return.

They actually turned out cuter than I thought they would.  I had to redo the birdhouse because I was off on my measurements.  That's ok though.  I will use that as a coaster.  I'm always looking for coasters so I have a steady supply of them at the office and in each room of my apartment.  That way it doesn't matter if I'm at my sewing machine, at the computer or even at my desk in the office, I will have something to put my drink glass on (not to mention my pins and needles to stick into them also).

I also recently bought some five inch squares of Stonehenge fabric.  I'm not sure if I bought it because I love that fabric line or I just love the name of "stone chips" that they called it.  It was a win win situation with me on it.  Of course it doesn't count towards purchasing new fabric because it's only five inches.  Right?  (grins)

That's it for now.  Break time is over at the office and I have more letters to get out.

Monday, March 11, 2013

Received African fabric today!

Lyndon brought in my African fabric today.  YAY.  Since I'm at work I can't take too much time to talk about it but here are the quick pictures.

I saw this fabric and knew it would look good as my table cloth in my office.  Just don't tell mom since I haven't ironed it yet.

I tried to unfold it a bit to give you an idea of the pattern.  I see now that it popped back up when I took the pix.  LOL.

Close up of the fabric shown below.

Hope you enjoyed the photos.  I'll keep you informed on what I make with them.

Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Winter Wonderland

Looking out the window today I see a winter wonderland.  Two to three days ago we had dry roads and little snow and today outside my work window it looks like this.

You can see the side road there that was plowed out right before I snapped the picture.  It snowed most of the day and might part of tomorrow also.  I left my car in the parking garage at work and got a ride home with a co-worker.  I park off street and have to pull out into an alley.  That doesn't always get plowed out right away and I didn't want to have to go our and move my car between the street and my parking case just to make sure the city didn't plow me in.  I guess I don't have an excuse not to go to work.

Lyndon (bossman) is also suppose to return from Africa and be back in the office tomorrow.  We'll see if he made his connections and made it back to DeKalb.  Of course I will won't get my African fabric tomorrow but it does mean that it shouldn't be too long before I get to see it.

I'll make sure to snap pictures of it and show you all.

Have a great night everybody.

Spring is almost here ...

   And it is time to change up what is on my wall.  Obviously I put up Butterfly Trellis.  It just speaks to me of Spring which is officiall...