Sunday, March 24, 2013

Another Quilting Sunday

There isn't much to report on this week.  I'm still working on the test project which means you can't see my progress until it is published.  I will post then and have comments at that time.

I found an old doll quilt that I had done years ago and took it to moms today.  She has a friend in the nursing home who doesn't have any family come see her and she "lives" for her doll that she carries around with her. Mom will give her the doll quilt as a surprise present.

I did want to post a pattern for those of you who like geometric designs.  This comes from Rose Smith and posted on Ludlow Quilt and Sew website.  It's an interlocking Chevron.  I love Rose Smith's patterns.  She breaks down the process with plenty of pictures and easy instructions and if that isn't enough, usually has a video at the end of the instructions showing you how she did it.  Check out this pattern...

Sign up for her newsletter and see what she comes up with.  I'm sure that even the beginner quilters (like myself) can do most of the patterns.

Thanks Rose for letting me share the link on my website and keep up the good work.

1 comment:

Marsha Clark said...

Thanks for sharing the pattern !!! ((( HUGS ))

Spring is almost here ...

   And it is time to change up what is on my wall.  Obviously I put up Butterfly Trellis.  It just speaks to me of Spring which is officiall...