Sunday, March 16, 2014

It's not broken!

Remember when I posted that I had dropped my sewing machine?  This weekend I finally plugged it in and started it up.  YAY!  It's not broken.

With finishing up the test pattern, I can now start to work on some other things.  Just when I thought I'd have time to do a lot, mom goes into the hospital.  I saw her this morning.  That was about it.  Just saw her since she was snoring. My brother and I could hear her snores when we were passing the room NEXT to hers.  LOL.  We decided to let her sleep and went to have breakfast at the hospital.  Their food isn't too bad and it did let me get back home a little earlier.  Well at least let me start my laundry earlier so I can get back home earlier.  What did I do?

I did some cooking and then did a small mug rug.  I know.   It wasn't much but it was the March facebook group mugrug.  Unfortunately my phone bleached out the colors.  All the colors are a little darker then they appear here.

I'm not sure which side I like better.  The back is VERY pretty when seen in person.

What have you been up to?

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