Thursday, April 24, 2014

Oops. Call the Quilt Police!!!!!!!!

Hello, my name is Bonni Feltz and I am in hiding from the quilt police.  Well I feel like I should be anyway.  This week has been a little rough at work so I turned to cleaning my apartment.  Yes!  Me!  Cleaning!  The sewing room AGAIN!  So that means I made more of a mess than I cleaned up.  It really wasn't my fault.  My paper shredded is in my sewing room and I had some papers that I was shredding.  Of course when I empty the container of shredded paper it doesn't always agree to go nicely into the garbage bag.  I think all those little strips of cross cut paper have a collective mind and knew that I was going to get rid of them FOREVER!

But that's not why I am in hiding from the quilt police.  I did something that I'm sure will get some of my quilting friends on the phone to the quilting police.  I...threw...out...fabric!  COuld I hae salvaged it for another project?  Probably.  Let me explain.  There was this fabric I had picked out for a turtle wall hanging.  I labored with needleturn applique and finally one day, a LONG time ago, I finished appliqueing all the pieces.  Then I washed it.  I had washed the material before but I used a little bit glue on some of the pieces and wanted to wash it off before working with batting and quilting it.  Life got busy and it was set aside.  When I picked it back up....I couldn't stand to look at it.  I kept finding errors in it.  Not the kind of errors where The turtle's shell didn't look right because it wasn't perfect but the kind of errors of frayed fabric.  I tried to fix up some of it but each time I took it out I hated it more and more.

My solution?  To rip out everything that I did and to start all over again with different fabric.  That was before my Oops.  Ummmm.  Parts of the fabric accidentally got snipped.  The first time it happened I looked at it and said that not too bad.  I'll just reposition the fabric and cover it up.  I said that for the first three times it happened.  The fourth time I was pissed at the stupid turtle scales!  So I looked at the background fabric to see if I would ever be able to use it again (it really was pretty).  The more I looked at it the more disgusted and pissed I got so......I crumpled it up and threw it in the trash bag amongst all those cross shredded paper bits.  I can't wait until tomorrow when garbage pick up is so I don't have to keep looking at it mocking me.  I will not take it back out though.  Lord knows I have a lot of fabric and if I do the turtle pattern again it will be with fused applique.

So quilt police...if you're coming after me you have to do it tonight for tomorrow the evidence will be gone.  LOL.

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