Sunday, April 13, 2014

Rainy Sunday

Today is one of those rainy Sundays that leaves you with no ambition to do anything.  After coming home from breakfast with mom, I went back to bed and have been up and down every since.  I took an allergy pill and between that and the rain it's just a lazy Sunday.

I did manage to pull out some of my wrist supports that I hadn't finished up yet and finally finished them.  They are for use by your computer so your wrist has something to rest upon by your computer mouse.

I discovered that I was low on my supply after the holidays.  This time I made some in flowery colors.  I think I have some salmon colored ones done up waiting to sell also.  It's not much to get done but I"m ready to go and lay back down again.  Hate it when allergies affect my eyes.

I hope everybody is having a good day.

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