Sunday, May 22, 2016

Black Sunday

Yes, you read that right.  It's a black Sunday.  When I first thought about Black Sunday it was because the color of my thread for the day.  In both my quilting and my cross stitch, I will be using black thread.

I prepped my thread and was all excited about getting to craft.

Emroidery floss for cross stitch all threaded and waiting

I took some left over batting and taped it on my card table next to my laptop.  I do most of my hand stitching and cross stitch while in my living room so I can watch the computer AND television while stitching.  It  might be a bit weird but seems to work in my small space.

Black bobbins all ready and waiting

So I picked up my quilting project and started to quilt.  I thought I'd do the buttonhole stitch by machine this time since I should finish the project in 7 days.  Everything was going along well and THEN I ran into a snafu.

Where did that clump of thread come from?  Why now when it's about half way done?  GRRRRrrrr.

So I decied to take a break from that because I found myself thinking perhaps I'll just scrap that whole idea and see what I can with the fabric instead.  That might still happen.  I hope my sewing machine was just being onry this once since I have a couple of wall hangins that I need to finish while on vacation.

Since I have my black thread all ready for my Raven cross stitch, I thought I'd switch to that.    So now I"m back to looking at the lilac bush and stitching on the Raven.  I decided I should take a better picture of the lilacs.  The other one was taken through the window screen.  Here is an unobstructive view of the lilac bush.

Time for me to get stitching.  So I hope everybody has a good day. 

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