Sunday, May 15, 2016

Weekly Report

Have you ever felt that you were drowning in projects?  Me too!  That's why I try not to think about them.  All those UFOs were brought to mind when I saw the flooding of the Kishwaukee River this week.  It was really weird.  We had heavy rain one night.  On the way to work the next day I saw "puddles" of water in the park area.  By the time I went past them on the way home I only saw water.

By the next morning, I could see the blades of grass starting to peek their blades through the water.  By the end of the week it was back to the periodic puddles of water.

If the water can go back down, I figured I could pick up a UFO or another project to work on.  This week I was working on the Dinos as well as a Cat wall hanging.  I'll show the cat wall hanging later.  I am giving to my friend in June when she comes up for a visit so I want to keep it offline until then.

I have also been working on some cross stitch also and hope to be able to show you some finished projects before too long.  I will be on vacation in a couple of weeks and I hope to get some serious stitching time in.

I'll report on my progress later.  In the meantime, stay warm and have a great day.

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