Sunday, May 8, 2016

Happy Mother's Day

Happy Mother's Day to all my friends.  Almost everybody I know is a mother.  Either they have children of their own, have pets which they consider their children, or have friends which they act like a mother to (whether the friend wants them to or not).  What am I doing this day?  I have my chores all done so now I can relax.  I have bean soup in the crock pot going and all my dishes are washed AND I have already done laundry.  That means I get to play, right?

Before I do another 100 stitches on my cross stitch dragon, I decided to get a couple of quilt blocks finished.

First up is my 4th Adinkra BOM block.  This one is suppose to resemble a comb.  I think it does but it also resembles a bit of an octopus.  LOL.  i guess we all will see what we want to see.

I am really enjoying doing the Adinkra blocks.  I think it will be cute when it is all done.

I did finish one of my Dino blocks also.

The dark blue blends in a bit but when you see it in person it stands out a bit more.  I am working on the green dino now and I am using a darker green on that which stands out more since the fabric is lighter.

 It makes me happy working on such bright colors.  :)

Another thing that I discovered this morning, when I was at Michael's buying more blue embrodiery floss, was this little bobbin holder.  It seems most people keep trying to find the "best" thing to use for a bobbin holder.  I saw this and thought it might be a good idea.

I like the idea that it has a zipper closer so that it keeps dust off the bobbins, etc.   Of course I also have to admit that it's just plain cute with it's little handle etc.  :)

Almost forgot that I also made a little holder for my Samsung Galaxy Tab 4.  I also put a couple of larger snaps to keep it closed.

Well that's it for my report today.  Everybody enjoy your day!

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