Thursday, May 26, 2016

Happy Friday Eve!

A friend of mine coined that phrase so I thought that I would use it today.  Her rationale was if you can have a New Years Eve or a Christmas Eve, All Hallow's Eve, etc. we can have a Friday Eve.  So Happy Friday Eve!

I haven't gotten as much done while on vacation as I hoped for but I did manage to continue to work on my Raven cross Stitch.  I am determined to get it done over vacation time.

I also managed to get another block done in the Splendid Sampler BOM.  I have only done around 5 of the blocks but this is block 30 which was just released today.  I had hoped to get a couple more of the blocks done while on vacation but I'm not sure I will.

I have a couple of Fat Cat Patterns Angel blocks to do.  I think I will try to get four of them done.  I have cut out the fusible for two of them and tomorrow will try to pick out some fabric for their "dresses".

My vacations are usually squirrely.  That is the nice way to say Bonni gets easily side tracked.  I start out on one project and then out of the corner of my eye, for instance, and then I pull that out and get side tracked.  The squirrel reference comes from the animated movie UP!.  The dogs in that movie are usually getting side tracked by the appearance a squirrel or by somebody saying the word squirrel.  I have a couple of friends which have "squirrel" moments and I tell them they squirreled in our conversation.  Of course they do it to me too -- what are friends for.  :)

Back to cross stitching.  And, before anybody asks, yes this blog post was a "squirrel moment" in between taking stitches.

Everybody have a great day and a great Friday Eve!

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