Friday, January 11, 2019

It's 2019? Already?

I am sorry that I haven't written before now but the new year, while I knew it was coming, snuck in behind me and took over.  Of course burning my hand, getting an infection in my thumb, and all the other various aches and pains of old age, didn't help any.

I was productive though.  I know it's not much of an excuse but it's all I got.  I did start the Fleur block.  I was going to put together all the 9 patches since they were all the same (do you hear the BUT coming?)...BUT I miscut my fabric TWICE which made me have to run out and get more.  It wasn't MY fault.  I mean the miscut was but not the getting new fabric.  I HAD to go and get more, right?

Eventually I got it put together and drew out my applique shapes and cut them out.  I laid out the block but you know what?  It had too much plain black in the design and the black that WAS in there was too thin.  I don't know why I didn't notice it before but now I didn't like the black fabric.  Off to Hobby Lobby I went.  I found what I needed so I scooted out of there before I spent more than the $60 I just did and I went home.

After tracing, cutting, fusing, and cutting the applique again, I laid it all out.

Now I was ready to start to stitch the fused pieces down.  I started in the middle and am working my way out.  How do you like my DMC cone of black floss?  It's 6 strands and I have enough of it for a SUPER long time. 

I also had a little bit of time to work on my cross stitch.  I picked up my the New Mini Owl again and did some stitches.  It's coming along.  This is page 2 I'm working on.

That's it for this blog entry.   I'm heading over to my getting healthy page to type up a little post on Spices.    Head on over if you want.  Either way, I hope you enjoy your weekend.  I'll post any updates probably on Monday.

PS:  I bought some more HAED cross stitch patterns.  I'll update that also....hehehe


Kat Scribner said...

Love your fleur block, Bonni. Pretty fabrics, yum.

Marsha Clark said...

Pretty ! I hope your hand feels better ! Hugs

Spring is almost here ...

   And it is time to change up what is on my wall.  Obviously I put up Butterfly Trellis.  It just speaks to me of Spring which is officiall...