Tuesday, January 5, 2021

A New Wall Hanging Idea

 I was putting away some of my tops that I had finished, aka flimsies, when a new idea popped into my mind.  Don't you hate it when you have an idea that wakes you up in the middle of the night, or day, and stays in your mind until you write it down.  This is that attempt.  Of course it is not MY fault.  Oh no!  I'm blaming that mischievous Declan.  I think he snuck out in the middle of the night and visited some of his dragon friends.  I know that the Jaelyn clan is having a big gathering soon.

I'll introduce you to each of their relatives as they arrive.  I can't wait to see them because each have their own name and personalities.  I'm sure that most of you know some of those names.  Names like Mushu (from Mulan), Draco from Dragonheart, Smaug,  St. George and the Dragon, the lollipop dragon from Lollipop Dragon:  The Magic Lollipop Adventure, Elliot from Pete's Dragon, and of course the most famous of all (or at least the most well known)...Puff the Magic Dragon.

Also, I'm not sure that everybody knows that there are different markings on dragons.  Most of the time people just think in colors like green, blue, silver, gold, black, etc.  I have it on good faith that Jaelyn's family has lots of different markings.  Some look like animal prints and some more traditional.  You'll see.

Now that I have them out of my head, let me show you what else I've worked on.  I might have shown some of them before but I'll repeat just to make sure.

These first two photos were kits from Jordan Fabrics.  The light colored one I like but think I would like it better if it had another dark color fabric instead of the ornament fabric.  Don't get me wrong, I like the ornament fabric but I don't think it is enough contrast to the other fabric.

This kit has a nicely defined dark and light fabric and I think it is much better.

Here is my Covid-ville 2020 wall hanging.  You might need to click on it a bit to see the outer border is fabric of small pebbles.  It will go on hold now until I figure out what I want the back and binding to be.  Once again, it might go into the Christmas in July category. 

This last picture is not a quilt but it IS craft related.  My friend, Deb Johnson from Our Time to Quilt IO group, made this ornament.  I think she is so talented to be able to do it and has a sense of humor since she put a Covid mask on it.  His name is Hank (or Henry) and he'll hang out with George my guardian dragon.  Hank and George are named after my twin uncles who were hilarious and to this day I'm not sure who was the instigator for trouble making...Hank, George, or my mother!

Well that is it for now.  Time to get back to working on my blocks for my test pattern.  Obviously I can't share pix yet with you for that but I believe it is scheduled to be printed in May and then I can show you.


A Walk With Susan said...

Bonni you have all of my favorites in this blog: Log Cabins, dragons, and tea cup with flowers. What more could you ask for, well except to find out more about the Jaelyn Clan. I will be checking back to find out more.

Deb Johnson, Quiltbeeme said...

I agree with you about the ornament fabric. Thanks for sharing since it helps all of us making better choices for our own quilt hon. Great job and I'm happy that Hank has a good home! Hugs, Deb

Marsha Clark said...

Cool Dragons & Pretty quilts etc. ! Glad you are having fun Sis !

Spring is almost here ...

   And it is time to change up what is on my wall.  Obviously I put up Butterfly Trellis.  It just speaks to me of Spring which is officiall...