Thursday, January 14, 2021

Toe Tapping uplifting music from the past

 I was reading my email from Sentimental Stitches and she talked about a song that her parents had taught her and she taught her son, etc.  She wasn't the only one.  I also was taught that song and so I played the song and it brought back happy memories.  It's a song that has a good meaning but just listening to the music made me want to move my body and smile.  Soon I found myself singing along with it.  THEN I discovered that what I was taught was the song was really just the refrain and chorus.  Go figure.  Listen to it if you wish and read the words.  The music might be a bit campy for today but the message in the song is certainly appropriate and it fits my word for 2021.  It made me happy.

Remember yesterday when I showed block 7 of Simple Yet Elegant?  I knew I had enough leaves since I had laid it all out.  STILL it took me 20 minutes to find where ONE leaf went.  I took off the paper backing and was in the middle of fusing down the leaves when I discovered I couldn't find TWO!  What?!!  I found one fast since it was stuck to another one.  Static electricity will do that sometimes.  I thought the other one had done the same but nope.  Couldn't find it.  20 minutes later, when I had decided why am I wasting time looking for something that I could just do over in less than 1 minute.  Then I found it.  Static electricity had struck again but this time it had stuck the leaf to the lid of the plastic bin that I had kept the project in.  It wasn't until I had thrown out all the paper backs that I discovered the leaf was stuck by static electricity to the BACK of the lid.  So I quickly fused it down.  So this is what the first/top row will look like (minus the sashings).  

I still have to sew the leaves block as well as the bird block down but that will happen after I finish the test project and my fingers get back to normal.  Hand stitching makes them stiff as well as after doing a lot of it for a long time my finger tips get really sensitive so I need to take periodic breaks.  I guess that means it is time to do some piecing and not applique work.  :)

Anyway, I hope you all have a great day and let that little light shine and remember that you got this!  Let 2021 be YOUR year. 


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