Saturday, January 2, 2021

This episode is brought to you by ME! Declan!

 Oops.  Must not speak so loudly in case Ms. Elfkins figures out that I'm at her computer.  I only mean to help her since she is so busy with trying to organize her life for 2021.  I don't know how you humans do it.  Your lives get so complicated at times.  Take us Reindeer for instance.  We eat and poop and eat some more.  Oh yeah, and go visit EVERYBODY once a year.  Well we do a couple of other things like go meet our paparazzi admirers a couple of times a year.  It's tough but no where near as complicated as Humans.  So perhaps you should try to take it a bit easier in 2021.  What?  Who am I?  Oh.  Elfkins forgot to post my picture with the rest.  Here I am.

 I'm the scout.  I try to hide but I have to come out and speak up sometimes.  Do you know what Elfkins has been doing?  She's been being busy and not slowing down for retirement.  I'll have to talk to her about that.  Oh yes, she gets to stitch all day if she wants to.  That takes some planning to have it all set up.

Last night she stitched on her test pattern, stitched on some leaves for her Simple But Elegant blocks, pulled out more blocks to work on today and contemplated on whether or not she will do binding today.  That wasn't all.  She also took 100 stitches in her mini owl HAED cross stitch and started to stitch on her Midieval Shelf HAED.  She didn't get her 100 stitches in but it's a start.  I did approve, however, of her taking a nap.  I almost swiped her overstuffed pillow she made and her electric throw myself.  Mmmmm.  She was so snuggled in on the love seat and all warm under that throw.  Just thinking of it is making me want to take my nap now also.

I will leave you all now since she probably has enough caffeine in her to notice me typing this.  Let's face it, hooves aren't the quietest except on snow.  Have a good 2021 everybody and remember Shhhhh.  Don't tell her I am posting this.  She'll find out eventually anyway.  Now for me to snuggle down with hot chocolate and her electric throw.

Spring is almost here ...

   And it is time to change up what is on my wall.  Obviously I put up Butterfly Trellis.  It just speaks to me of Spring which is officiall...