Wednesday, January 13, 2021

Taking a time out - Quilter's style

 It seems that my odd sleeping pattern is back with me for a bit.  Even though I did everything I could think of two nights ago to get some sleep, it didn't work.  I took Ibuprofen, turned on soothing nature music, turned off the lights, etc.  Nothing worked and my knee continued to keep me awake.  Last night, however, was similar but different enough that I got some sleep.  I went to bed but was up again after 2 hours of sleep.  I mean I was wide awake and knew I would not get back to sleep for a little bit.  What would I do?

I decided that I should just get up.  I didn't want to work on my test pattern because I knew I didn't have enough fabric for it if I messed it up so I went to another UFO.  I looked for fabrics to make one of the blocks in the Simple but Elegant blocks.  I found it, traced the applique pieces and fused them to the fabric.  Then, at 2 a.m. I sat down and cut them all out.  By the time I was done I was ready to go back to bed for a bit.  Four hours later I woke up and wondered if I had cut enough leaves for the pattern.  I also knew that I wouldn't get any more sleep unless I could verify I had enough leaves cut out.  What to do?

I had to pull out my master layout for block 7 to make sure the leaves and fabric I had chosen were ok.  Normally I might not question myself but when you are doing this around 5 a.m. you start to question yourself.  I laid out everything and am pleased with how it will look.

As you can see, it is just a rough outline but it is enough to tell me that I had cut out enough leaves  and I liked the red I had chosen for the buds.  By the way, when I say cut out enough leaves, you can interpret that to mean I hadn't misplaced any between the time I had cut them out and the time I woke up again.  :)

Today or tomorrow I will have to get back into the sewing room to match up DMC floss for stitching as well as put away the fabrics I had pulled out looking for the green.  I am trying to keep the shelves somewhat organized ( tougher than you might think) and know that I can't be too lazy.  I did find a video that you might be interested in.  Quilt Addicts Anonymous and Stephanie talks about how she folds her quilts for display on her shelves.  She also says that we shouldn't forget to refold the quilts approximately once a year so that the crease lines don't become permanent.  If you are interested to see what she has to say, go to her YouTube page and watch her video. 

This is one way that I stay productive (or semi productive) when taking a time out from actual quilting or crafting.  I have time to give my fingers a little bit of a break from stitching but can still stay a little focused on projects.  At the very least, I get to see crafty eye candy which is always welcome.  With this little break from stitching, my mind as well as my fingers, are rejuvenated and by the end of the week I will be stitching on some UFOs, BOMs, and starting other BOMs.  

I hope everybody has a great day!


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