Wednesday, January 20, 2021

What to work on when your mind shuts down

 Does your mind every just stall out or shut down?  Mine did this week.  I finished my test pattern and submitted it and then took a day off to just relax.  Yeah, like THAT was going to happen.  I have come to discover that sometimes when I try to relax my brain goes into overdrive.  It then has time to do the "what will I work on next" or "hmmm.  should I do this?" scenarios.  This time, however, it just went totally blank.  At first I was happy and then I was wondering WHY it just went blank.  Personally I think it was just playing tricks on me.  Either way it got me up out off the couch and to the computer to see what I wanted to do.  Where does one start? 

I usually start with either Pinterest or YouTube.  I was in a YouTube kind of mind so that is where I looked.  It didn't take me long to get to the quilting videos and soon I found one from The Fabric Patch.  It was for the 1600 quilt.  The 1600 quilt is also known as the Jelly Roll Race Quilt.  I wasn't in a race so I sticking to its title of The 1600 quilt.  Have you ever wondered why it is called that?  It is because Jelly Rolls usually have forty 2 1/2" strips in them.  If you sew 40 strips together you end up with a 1600" strip (40 x 40).  If you have less than 40 strips then you won't have the 1600" but that  is ok also.  I had never made one of these before so I had to start and stop the video to make sure I had it right.  I used the grab it as you go method.

The grab it as you go method is where you don't look to see if what you grabbed matches what you are sewing it to.  That is one way it is speedier.  You also don't iron the top until you are totally done (YAY).  It took me around 3 hours to finish the top or flimsy as I call it.  That also included having a couple of small visits from Jack the Ripper's sister - Jackulie.  That is my pink handled seam ripper and she lies (as much as Jack does) about how much I need to use her.  I also had to stop a couple of times to watch the video to make sure I had heard the tutorial right.  Overall I don't think it turned out too bad.

It is certainly different than what I have done before but that is ok.  I did this on my recently unboxed sewing machine which I named Lexi.  That is a small light weight Brother which I bought years ago and never unboxed it.  It is pretty since it has a blue paisley design on the front.  I think I bought it to take with me to a retreat or something but never went and never took her out of the box.  I'll take a picture of her and post it next time.  My every day Brother sewing machine will be used on a regular basis but I think I will use Lexi as a back up and also if I learn how to do the zig zag stitch.  I did a sample of that on her and it turned out pretty well.  The stitching did at least but not so much my control of where the stitches needed to be put.  I will try again and then take a picture.  I was too lazy to change out my bobbin or top thread so my first practice was just white thread on left over white fabric.  Not good for pictures.  LOL.  I am looking forward to learning more about Lexi.

I'm also looking forward to the 2021 Quilting Summit.  I just received my email from Rebecca Page which listed what to look forward to.  Here is the link if you are interested.  I went through some of the class schedule (this is a virtual Summit) and there are at least 3 projects I want to do!  As if I needed anything else to add to my 2021 quilting "to do" list.  Check it out.

I actually liked the projects so much that I joined up as a VIP member so I could have access to it later in the year too.  Mostly because I am not a fast sewer and I don't normally get to the projects in the same year as I collect them.  :)

Now on to something that brings a smile to my face...just a couple more pictures of Haley.  

This first one is a picture of my nephew Jason (Haley's grandpa) and it does my heart good to see that smile on his face.  Don't tell anybody but that is a smile even AFTER he got cleaned up.  It looks like he trimmed his beard and hair and, GASP, he doesn't have camo's on nor a hat.  Well done Jason.

The pictures wouldn't be complete without a picture of Haley with her daddy.  I haven't met him and he and Tori (Haley's Momma) aren't married but perhaps eventually.  It's good to know that he is in the picture and didn't run from his responsibilities.  

That is all for this time.  I find that it is about time for a short nap and to rest my eyes a bit.  I have lots of applique scheduled (Simply Yet Elegant, LeFleur, redwork, etc.) so I'm going to rest the eyes while I can.  Besides one of the joys about retirement is that I can take naps when I want.

Have a great day.

Spring is almost here ...

   And it is time to change up what is on my wall.  Obviously I put up Butterfly Trellis.  It just speaks to me of Spring which is officiall...