Monday, June 2, 2014

Finished Weekend Project

With the car expenses looming in my near future (like after the weekend) and the hot weather, I really didn't feel inspired much to work on anything this weekend.  Then, in the mail, I received my BOMs from Custom Quilt Kits as well as some fusible paw prints and letters for NIU.  I had wanted paw prints since NIU's mascot is a huskie and I have one portion of my office work wall devoted to my NIU t-shirt wall hanging periodically throughout the year.  That got me thinking (you probably smelled the brain cells overheating).

I've wanted to do a flag banner and remembered that Missouri Quilt Company had shown a quick vid on how to do one.  I pulled out some deep read fabric and then spotted the fabric that I would use.  It was a deep red but also had black crackle in it.  NIU's colors are red and black so I was set.  Until....

I don't have internet connection right now at the house due to a bad router.  The new router was also I'm back to the drawing board.  On my smart phone (Android) I did a search for Missouri Quilt Company but had a hard time finding the right tutorial.  Perhaps it was because I kept getting side tracked with other videos?  Nawwww, couldn't be.  Finally I found it.   It is called Easy Pennant Project-sewing with layer cakes.  It WAS easy...once I knew the name to look for it under.

Instead of the wide band they used to hang up the pennants on, I used some white cording that I had.  I just put it up against the fold (watch the video and you'll see) and made sure that my pressure foot was on the other side of it so I didn't sew into it.  Before long I had my small pennant to hang up in the office.

What do you think?  It didn't take long once I had seen the video again.  It would so easy to quickly sew up some flags for various events or holidays and keep them on hand.  Happy Birthday's, anniversary's, holidays...the possibilities are almost endless.  Perhaps I'll make up a Happy Holidays banner to hand up in my window this year.

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